Dying Cory, Please Help!


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
nitrate: less than 20
tank temp: 24 degrees

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): red gills, heavy breathing, swimming as if drunk, hiding, barbel erosion, scratching.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: have done 50-75% water changes once a week over past 3 weeks

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants: 3 green neon tetras, four corydoras

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): none

Exposure to chemicals: none
I have just come back from travelling for 4 months, having left the tank with my dad to look after. He did quite well with the water changes but the sand in the tank was really filthy when I got back. 2 of the 4 corydoras's have lost their barbels.
One of these corys seemed more badly affected. I did a massive water change and cleaned the substrate, and the corys barbels seemed to be growing back, but it continued to swim wobbly as if drunk, and seemed to be scratching itself along the wood and gravel. I found the fish lying sideways on the sand, breathing heavily, and now its lost all its colour, has red gills, and is only taking one big breath every 10 seconds or so.
I'm really sad as its obviously not going to make the night, but i'm also worried that it has something contagious and will pass it onto the other tank inhabitants. Any advice on what the disease could be? Not ammonia poisoning as ammonia is at zero, bacterial infction? Parasites?
please help, I don't want this to get any worse! :(

This may sound like gill flukes, a parasite. Is the tank over crowded? This may be the cause. Up the water changes if possible. I'm no expert, so if what I sugest is not working, it may be something else.
yes, maybe it is gill flukes, is there any medication i can buy in case the other fish are affected?
No, my tank is understocked at the minute (it's a 70 litre), but maybe the bad substrate quality brought on the infection?
thanks for your help, unfortunately found the cory dead this morning :(
Hi DoubleDutch, thanks for the reply. No, when I got back I did the big water change and substrate clean, and then a week later I rinsed the filter sponge in water from the aquarium when doing the next water change.
Any advice?
Ahhhh okay. I think it's a bacterial infection (maybe in combination with a parasite)  Especially the barbelloss points me to bacteria. Do they show red bellies (around pectorial fins).
What are you feeding the Corys btw ?
Feeding them catfish pellets and algae wafers, have just bought them some frozen bloodworm though.

I'm posting again as I'm worried that my remaining three corys might succumb to whatever the first one died of.

Maybe bacterial infection as one of three has lost barbels, or gill flukes as the one who died was breathing heavily, red gills and flashing (ammonia sat zero).

The remaining corys are looking lethargic and seem to be breathing quite heavily. I've just bought two treatments 'love fish' white spot and parasite (containing formaldehyde and malachite green oxalate) and 'interpret' anti internal bacteria (bronopol, formaldehyde, benzalkonium chloride). Would either of the be suitable for corys? If not could you please suggest a brand of medication I should buy? I don't want to lose them!
Though the fish at the pic looks well fed, be aware those little guys are omnivores at the carnivorious side. Long term feeding of algaewafers (which they do eat) or catfish pellets with very low protein (more herbivores) will give healthproblems.
Don't know which pellets your feeding but be sure they are the right ones for Corys.
I don't know the med, but what I do know is lots of meds have to be half dosed with scaleless fish. Other members can tell you more about this one I think.
Don't wait too long, cause they'll die I am afraid.
Thanks doubledutch

Please help me someonnneee! :(
Corys can some come down with bacterial infections from a dirty substrate.
It sounds bacterial to me.
I would go in with anti internal bacteria medication by interpet. Increase aeration.
But with the heavy breathing the medication could make matters worse.
What's the make of the test kit you are using please?
Hey it's the api master test kit.

Okay I'll go with that medication, do you know if it'll be save for cories or should I half the dose?
The test kit fine. Just wondered if you was using test strip cards.
The medication fine with corys I have used it in the past with cory with no  problems
I would use the full dose as only half dosing will be a waste of time.
I would i increase your aeration as the medication is going to reduce 02 levels.
The corys might be to far gone to save i,m afraid. Good Luck.
It's the parasite medications that corys are more sensitive too.
Used the medication for bacteria now, thanks for your help, I'll let you know what happens!

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