Dwarf Gourami Unable To Move Tail?


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
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Tank size: 56 Gallon
tank temp:78 F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Dwarf gourami had a small scratch last week, but it wasn't swelling or bleeding. He still ate and swam normally, maybe was a little bit shy. I have 3 Tiger Barbs in the tank, they mostly bother each other, but may have attacked it. I will be adding more soon. I asked about it, and someone said as long as the water is clean, it should heal.
Up until yesterday, the fish appeared fine. The cut was closed, and developed a scab-looking thing that I thought was normal. This morning, however, it was struggling to swim, and appears to be unable to move its tail. It was keeping itself afloat with its front fins only, but now rests vertically on the gravel.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 10% weekly, 25% monthly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: API Plant Fertilizer (Use weekly dose once a month), Tetra AquaSafe Plus

Tank inhabitants:
3 Tiger Barbs
6 Neon Tetras
1 Cherry Barb
1 Chinese Algae Eater
4 Guppies
1 Japanese Algae Eater Shrimp

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 2 Guppies

Exposure to chemicals: None except Fertilizer and Dechlorinator

Digital photo (include if possible): He's lying on the wrong side of the tank, and I don't want to bother him if possible.
He's lying on his side now, and barely moving. I don't think there's much hope, but I don't have the spirit to euthanize him. :sad:

I'd still like to know if possible what might have been the problem, and how I can treat it, if it ever happens again.
I wouldn't keep barbs with guppies, they chase and bulky until fish are so stressed they die. Got 3 myself had to seperate them after about a day, I'd guess them and the CAE are causing your problems.
Yeah, I've learned recently that barbs should be kept in bigger groups to help stop them from attacking other fish. They never leave any physical damage on the other fish, though, and I only rarely see them chasing the others.

I was wondering more about the infection, if it is a infection. I have a few shells in the tank, it's not unlikely that the gourami scratched itself on one of them.
I'd guess the CAE or the tiger barbs. I suggest you rehome both. how big is the CAE?
CAE is adult now. I was thinking about rehome, but he's a bit big for any pet stores, and I don't have any friends willing to take him in.
As for the barbs, I'd rather not get rid of them if at all possible. They are honestly the most interesting fish in the tank.

But once again, is there any sort of infection that can prevent a fish from swimming properly? The gourami is still alive, and I'd like to try and save it if possible. He's in a different tank now.
Do you have any stress zyme or mela fix or pimafix? Any fungal meds? How about stress coat? The CAE could have eaten his slime coat btw I don't know if that would be related though.
Well then if you can't rehome the tiger barbs or CAE the best thing to do is rehome your neons guppies and lone cherry barb that also like groups and then base the tank around them with fast moving nippy/aggressive fish and up the tigers to about 10 as well.

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