Dwarf Gourami Problem


Fish Fanatic
Sep 21, 2005
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I have had a Male Dwarf Gourami since Jan and he has been fine although quite aggressive ! I have notivced tonight that there is a Silvery bump appearing below his eye and behind his mouth. At present it is not that obvious apart from the Silvery glisten when he turns in the light. It does not appear to be a fungus but just like a bump forming.

The tank has been running since Sept 05 And I have added an external tank 3 weeks ago and also a UV inline steriliser whilst also continuing with the exisitng filther setup. The water tested last weekend showed 0 for Ammonia and Nitriates and Nitrates between 12.5 and 25 mg/l before a partial water change (15 ltrs). The tank is a 125ltr Juwel rio 125 !

Does anyone have any ideas as to what this could be ?


Isolate him and treat him with a strong antibiotic. Make sure you follow the treatment instructions exactly - ie: administer the antibiotic for the full term regardless of progress (or lack there of).

Having said that, first make sure that what you're seeing realy is a 'bump' that's forming now and not an injury or external bacterial or fungal infection.
The Gourami is a veitnameese fish like me i am a vietnameese asian person.

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