Dwarf Cichlids Too Big?


New Member
Jul 7, 2012
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I have just got a 16 litre tank and I really want a pair of dwarf cichlids, but is it too small?
I do have a 60 litre tank which I have guppies in and I'm afraid that if I put dwarves in there they will eat the guppy fry and bully the guppies :-(
What should I do?
Thanks, Chris
16l is far too small for dwarf cichlids. In fact, it is too small for any fish. Shrimp would be better, but it will be tricky to maintain water conditions in such a small volume.

You could probably get away with a pair or trio in a 60l if you created boundaries and territories. It would depend on which species and tank mates though. Like you say, guppy fry would not last long.
16l is far too small for dwarf cichlids. In fact, it is too small for any fish. Shrimp would be better, but it will be tricky to maintain water conditions in such a small volume.

You could probably get away with a pair or trio in a 60l if you created boundaries and territories. It would depend on which species and tank mates though. Like you say, guppy fry would not last long.

If I make the 16 litre a fry tank (put heavily pregnant guppies in there till they give birth) and put dwarf cichlids in the 60 litre tank would they be OK with the adult guppies and cories?
Thanks :D
Agreed 16 liters is a tiny tank for any fish, fry and shrimp sound good though - what dwarfs are you thinking about? It covers quite a few species and even a 60 liter is too small for some dwarfs IMO

Hi I have 3 keyhole cichilds with guppys and cories with no problems , The keyholes were small when I got them and my tank is 180 lt so whether that makes a different
hope this helps
thanks all, very helpful but..
what about this: a small shoal of chili rasbora and a few dwarf cories and mabye one or two tropical snails?
I have just read up on chilli rasbora seem ok with dwarf cories on the temp side ,would keep to a small shoal thoe, both like substrate on bottom of tank but could live peacefully with each other , both like slightly dim light, not sure about the snails thoe ? I am still quite new at this my self , hope this helps not sure about the ph in tank so maybe look up see if they are roughly the same ph in tank
I have just read up on chilli rasbora seem ok with dwarf cories on the temp side ,would keep to a small shoal thoe, both like substrate on bottom of tank but could live peacefully with each other , both like slightly dim light, not sure about the snails thoe ? I am still quite new at this my self , hope this helps not sure about the ph in tank so maybe look up see if they are roughly the same ph in tank

thanks, you have helped :good:
I should think they would be OK together and they look great, I'll put some in once the tank has matured
Hi pleased I could help just one more thing if it is a new tank once it has cycled only add 3 fish at time then leave for a week before putting 3 more in as you could get an ammonia spike just to give the filter time to adjust :good: hope all goes well for you
thanks, I always add only a few fish at a time because of a bad past experience :-(
do you know of any small algae-eaters :/
Cheers :) Chris
Hi no i dont afraid , dont get caught out with chinese algea eaters as great when small but nasty buggers when grown as eat slime coat of other fish as had bad experience with one on my guarami , what about couple of shrimps , would that work with your fish? I have a brn but to dirty for your size tank , put another thread up asking as some one else might be able to help sorry not much use on this one
Hi I might have found one for you , it is called a midget mouth sucker catfish grows to 5cm but u need a couple as best kept in a shoal , hope this helps
sorry me again here is there other name otocinclus
hi, that fish looks great! I'll have to check if there are any in my local fish shop but if there are they would be perfect :D

About the shrimp, I'll transform my current goldfish tank into a shrimp tank when the goldfish expire so I'm not really looking to put shrimp in other tanks yet, thanks for advice, Chris
Hi happy fish hunting hope you find a couple when ready :good:

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