i am thinking of setting up a planted biotope for a pair of dwarf cichlids and i have a few question if aanybody could help me ? questions are :
1) what type of dwarf cichlids looks the best ?
2)what is the biotope of the dwarf cichlid you suggest ?
3)how much would there fry go for ?
4)whats your experiance with dwarf if you've kept them ?
For your info i am hopeing to breed them,they would be going in a 12 gallon (i think ) on there own,i really want live plants and will try to maintain the temp at 26'C with Ph between 5 - 7.5 (depends on what they need) i do 25 % water changes a week and will feed 3 time a day thanks for any help.
i am thinking of setting up a planted biotope for a pair of dwarf cichlids and i have a few question if aanybody could help me ? questions are :
1) what type of dwarf cichlids looks the best ?
2)what is the biotope of the dwarf cichlid you suggest ?
3)how much would there fry go for ?
4)whats your experiance with dwarf if you've kept them ?
For your info i am hopeing to breed them,they would be going in a 12 gallon (i think ) on there own,i really want live plants and will try to maintain the temp at 26'C with Ph between 5 - 7.5 (depends on what they need) i do 25 % water changes a week and will feed 3 time a day thanks for any help.