Dwarf breeding


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I have 1 male gourami, 1 female, 2 cories, 1 ADF, and 2 ghost shrimp in my 10 gallon.

So far the male has made advances towards the female (headlong rushes at her, a little nip, and he once took 30 seconds moving an 1" towards her, only to be rejected!). The male also spends long periods of time in the cave and he gets scared whenever anyone walks by the tank.

The male isn't starting the nest, even though I've done water changes, fed him frozen foods, added a large plastic plant, and lowered the filter intake to where the water surface is moving but not breaking.

I'm guessing they're not ready to breed. Is this because they haven't become a "pair" or something else? How can I better the chances of them mating? (Moving the others, removing gravel, turning off filter...etc.)
I've been forced to "bump" this thread, but I've got more info.

I read that lowering the water levels and raising the temperature would help. I had actually lowered the temp to see what that would do, but I guess I'm going to do a major water change and replace the water with warm water.

Any tips on getting the fish to breed? He's not making a bubblenest, though he is getting more agressive towards the female.

Also, the female put her mouth to his anal fin once but he chased her away. That's a sign that she's ready, but apparently he isn't (so why is he chasing her?).
I don't know anything about breeding gouramis but maybe it's because they're in a tank with other fish or something. maybe a breeding tank would work better. :dunno:

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