Duckweed soup for Bamboo shrimp


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
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United States
Hi, I'm wondering if bamboo shrimp will be interested in crushed fresh duckweed made into a slurry
I used to feed them powder food by a turkey baster but I have a ton of extra duckweed.
nutritionally, duck weed is perfect for feeding Tilapia... assume Bamboo shrimp are omnivores, so I would suspect they would like it, at least as part of their diet... I've got an African Vampire shrimp that's also a "fan dancer" style feeder, I assume like the Bamboo... mine is still holding on, got quite a bit of flow in the tank, but I've never specifically fed mine... he lives under the drift wood, & comes out once in a while to "wave Hi"
nutritionally, duck weed is perfect for feeding Tilapia... assume Bamboo shrimp are omnivores, so I would suspect they would like it, at least as part of their diet... I've got an African Vampire shrimp that's also a "fan dancer" style feeder, I assume like the Bamboo... mine is still holding on, got quite a bit of flow in the tank, but I've never specifically fed mine... he lives under the drift wood, & comes out once in a while to "wave Hi"
nice! Also wondering if you feed anything to help with molts? egg shells?
I bought a package of those Shrimp rocks... in the adds, it shows shrimp crawling all over it... it's white, my substrate is dark, so it's easy to see, I've never seen a shrimp on mine, & I have 20-30 Armano shrimp in that tank as well... @WhistlingBadger was dusting his fruit flies with I think some sort of calcium dust, for his fire bellied toads... I would think you could add something like that to your "baster soup"
I bought a package of those Shrimp rocks... in the adds, it shows shrimp crawling all over it... it's white, my substrate is dark, so it's easy to see, I've never seen a shrimp on mine, & I have 20-30 Armano shrimp in that tank as well... @WhistlingBadger was dusting his fruit flies with I think some sort of calcium dust, for his fire bellied toads... I would think you could add something like that to your "baster soup"
hmm, I have some crushed coral which should be similar.
perhaps they put some shrimpy snacks on the photo to attract the critters.

I will add some fine egg shell powder to my mix, and see how they like it.
Thanks for your help!
One way to find out! Blend some up and let them give it a try. I would be very reluctant to add calcium dust to the aquarium water, as it would almost certainly mess with the pH and hardness. Lots of greens are high in calcium, especially spinach, so maybe blending some of that up would be better?
I bought a package of those Shrimp rocks... in the adds, it shows shrimp crawling all over it..
bamboo shrimp don't have claws. instead they filtering baskets for hands that they use to filter the water to collect floating particles of food floating in the water. perhaps if you put duckweed in a blender to make a green soup...
nice! Also wondering if you feed anything to help with molts? egg shells?
Shrimp get the calcium nd magnesium they need from the water GH or the food. all food has calcium and magnesium. Also most tap water has enough GH for shrimp. 2 degrees GH should be enough. All Gh boosters on the market have calcium and magnesium.
You could also try to parboil the duckweed and force it trough a tiny stainless steel strainer to remove the maximum of solid matter, to reproduce a texture that would be close to floating green algae. And give it a try.
Shrimp get the calcium nd magnesium they need from the water GH or the food. all food has calcium and magnesium. Also most tap water has enough GH for shrimp. 2 degrees GH should be enough. All Gh boosters on the market have calcium and magnesium.
I just thought they needed a lot of the minerals, seems just a bit is enough. thanks!
You could also try to parboil the duckweed and force it trough a tiny stainless steel strainer to remove the maximum of solid matter, to reproduce a texture that would be close to floating green algae. And give it a try.
i Like this idea, duckweed broth.
i Like this idea, duckweed broth.

Since they are taking plankton size bites, I don't think they would appreciate all the inedible fibres that would result in passing raw duckweed in a blender...

Boil it until the soft tissues of the duckweed detaches and remove all the rest, stems and leaf vein... You can also add some finely crushed fish flakes to the mix when hot and let it cool. To try to encourage them to try it.

Boiling disinfects and permits to have a much finer product... You should be able to conserve it refrigerated for 7 to 10 days. Dissolve in a little bit of tank water to temperate before serving.

Keep us posted, I'm really curious :)
Since they are taking plankton size bites, I don't think they would appreciate all the inedible fibres that would result in passing raw duckweed in a blender...

Boil it until the soft tissues of the duckweed detaches and remove all the rest, stems and leaf vein... You can also add some finely crushed fish flakes to the mix when hot and let it cool. To try to encourage them to try it.

Boiling disinfects and permits to have a much finer product... You should be able to conserve it refrigerated for 7 to 10 days. Dissolve in a little bit of tank water to temperate before serving.

Keep us posted, I'm really curious :)
cooking duckweeed is definitely something i will try! I will strain the duckweed out and keep the soup to feed the fish/shrimp

I used to bag the duckweed then smash it to pieces with a hammer, and a fine juice comes out.
Duckweed broth. Yum. You might be onto the next superfood health craze!
there has been some watermeal health articles and movements...

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