Dream Tank Turning Into A Bit Of A Nightmare


May 5, 2010
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Fife - Scotland
After turning my spare room into a 22 tank fish room I turned my attention back to my livingroom tank and decided I had always really fancied a Amazon style biotope with about £300 + of Manzanita and a very simple stocking. The tank itself is 4x2x2 and has
7 Small Peruvian Altums
25 Petitella Georgea
7 Cory Robinae
The tank is Filtered by a Fluval FX6 and a Eheim 2217 and the flow has been set at a level where the tank is not to turbulent. I have a lot off floating plant on the top to shade the tank and use blackwater extract to keep the water soft and slightly lowered PH wise.
My issue is thus while the Angels are thriving and swimming all over the tank the Petitella are not they are swimming along the back glass and frequently look as if they are trying to swim through the back glass. Their noses are a vivid red and they are eating exceptionally well. The tank has a ton of Manzanita but it not planted (nor will it be).The tank does sit immediately opposite my marine tank but due to  my livingroom layout there is nothing I can do about this.
Any suggestions on how I can coax the petitella out from the back the tank looks absolutely cracking but the majority of the tank looks empty at times due to their shyness. I should add that the petitella are pretty huge and are getting no attention from the angels at all.
Can you post a photo? The behavior sounds like it's related to Aquascape. I am thinking perhaps they are seeing somewhere the angels aren't that they feel comfortable being.
Even though the angels may not be paying attention to the rummynose, my thinking is the rummynose are paying attention to the angels.
Well, the picture isn't really useful if it's rescaped. The reason for wanting to see it is to see what the tank looks like right now. :)

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