Dream Interpreations


Fish Crazy
Sep 19, 2005
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Colchester, Essex
Since I work weird hours now, I have a nap in the afternoon and, my god, I have some wacky dreams during that nap. I never really think much of the meaning of dreams until it came to the one I just had but I just feel like it holds some kind of significance. Let me start by explaining a dream I get over and over again. I'm in a plane with my mother (whom I have a rather tense relationship with) and suddenly the plane will start to go down until eventually either my head explodes from the pressure or it just hits the ground and I wake up. There are some small variations within the dream like how I die or where we're sat in the plane but essentially it's the same every time. She's also sits to the left of me in every single one of these dreams. I get the mum plane crash dream about every month or so.
Today at nap time, I was once again in a plane but this time with my partner sitting a couple of seats away to my RIGHT. The plane, as usual, starts to go down except this time we manage to emergency land without anyone getting hurt. If I were a psychologist reading this, I'd say it was loosely translated as being something to do with how safe I feel around people in my life. With my mum to the left of me, I die. With my partner to the right of me, I don't. What do you guys think?
:crazy: Creepy...

I... don't.... know what to say...

Maybe 'cause you don't realize that your THAT close to your mom and you'd love her even more when the world ends? :blush: I can't think..
I think it is a support/security thing.
You never felt a strong sense of security from your mom - but you still have a strong connection (That's why she's always there but is unable to help)
Now, you have a fella that is providing you with a sense of security that will afford you with the support to build on that relationship with your mom?
If I were to go all psychoanalytical on you.

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