Fish Crazy
Hi Fish lovers!
I've had to make the hard choice to downsize my tank from a 350 litre Juwel Rio 300 to a Fluvial Edge 48 litre (huge difference). I've found I didn't have as much time on my hands anymore to maintain the tank. Has anyone else had any solutions to keep a large tank running with low maintenance? I was thinking I could maybe just create a rock and wood theme, minimising the time it takes to clean. I also have an external filter which is the Fluval 406, however I'm thinking I could put in the internal filter back into the Juwel Rio, any easier to maintain???
Any advice would be great, I'm upset that I have to downsize, I have bought my other tank though which is currently in a cycle, I wouldn't mind having the 2!
I've had to make the hard choice to downsize my tank from a 350 litre Juwel Rio 300 to a Fluvial Edge 48 litre (huge difference). I've found I didn't have as much time on my hands anymore to maintain the tank. Has anyone else had any solutions to keep a large tank running with low maintenance? I was thinking I could maybe just create a rock and wood theme, minimising the time it takes to clean. I also have an external filter which is the Fluval 406, however I'm thinking I could put in the internal filter back into the Juwel Rio, any easier to maintain???
Any advice would be great, I'm upset that I have to downsize, I have bought my other tank though which is currently in a cycle, I wouldn't mind having the 2!