Don't Listen To My Own Advice


Smart Homes System Specialist
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 16, 2010
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Over the years on this forum, I have advised countless people not to buy fish on impulse.
So there I was in one of my LFSs, and there was a crowntail in a tank full of dwarf gouramis, and it was just constantly hiding behind a large piece of bogwood.
So I bought it. He's quite happy now.
I get around that impulse thing by just advising not to buy a fish you don't know to take care of. Then I go learn about every fish I possibly can so when I see him I'm ready to buy. 
Post picture! 
Impuse buying... whats that
Only how I ended up with Dwarf Neon Rainbows
But I have been very good in resisting the allure of killifish that a local shop got in (and these guys are like hens teeth over here so I feel a big congratulations to me for stopping myself
I do try to not impulse buy (just ignore the fact I bought another Borneo sucker yesterday because he was the last one and I was already getting the C. hasborus out of that tank), but when I do impulse buy you can bet your boots it will be a peaceful fish and probably pretty expensive. Actually I was lucky with the latest Borneo Sucker I got the shop assistant wrote the wrong price on the bag he only charged me $8 instead of $18
Congratulations on your impulse buy and I hope the fighter has a long happy life in his new abode.
Congrats TLM.  
Good to see you around here again.   
What no photos?
He's 'the_lock_man', not 'the_pic_man'!
:rofl:   I crack myself up sometimes!
eaglesaquarium said:
He's 'the_lock_man', not 'the_pic_man'!
  I crack myself up sometimes!
On another forum, I am now Locky_McLockface - and if you don't know why that's significant, Google "Boaty McBoatface"!
The tank is looking shocking at the mo, I'm too embarrassed to post photos.
Baccus said:
Actually I was lucky with the latest Borneo Sucker I got the shop assistant wrote the wrong price on the bag he only charged me $8 instead of $18
The same shop had a single male Peacock Gudgeon left,with no apparent price, and you know how partial I am to Peacock Gudgeons, so I asked the assistant. He initially said "Last one in the tank - 2 quid", so I bit his hand off - they should be £7 or £8. He then found the price tag, which said £14, so I politely declined.

And then bought one today, at another branch of the same chain, for £8. Happy days! :D
Happy you didn't buy all the DG's !!

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DoubleDutch said:
Happy you didn't buy all the DG's !!

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Goedendag, DD!
In terms of rescuing the one poor betta from a tank rammed full of DGs, that was offered the more cost-effective solution, certainly.
Hahaha sure it was !!

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