Does Total Blackout Really Kill Algae


Fish Fanatic
Apr 1, 2011
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After reading a few posts I'm trying a total blackout to kill my algae.

I think it's BBA.

I've removed all the effected leaves (or tried to) on my java fern and anubis lilly. I removed all the vallis completely as it seemed too far gone.

I've given everything including the bog wood a good scrub and done a 50% water change.

Now I've blacked out the whole tank with blankets and towels.

I don't have any form of CO2 in the tank. I guess it is moderately planted now (heavy before all the vallis came out)

So here are my questions:

1. Has anyone else done this and had it actually work?

2. How many days should I leave it in black out? I've read 3-5??

3. Will my plants survive without any light for that long? And what about the fish?

Eager to hear any success stories!!


I did this when I went on vacation for 6 days. No light, no food. All the algae was completely gone on my arrival back home which I didn't like as I wanted that algae there at that time.
I did this when I went on vacation for 6 days. No light, no food. All the algae was completely gone on my arrival back home which I didn't like as I wanted that algae there at that time.

wow! Did you have any live plants? and fish were OK?
I had an amazon sword plant (that tank became my planted tank now) and fish don't care at all. They get enough natural light to sustain them. If I'm correct they don't need light at all it's just an aquarists friend :good:
I had an amazon sword plant (that tank became my planted tank now) and fish don't care at all. They get enough natural light to sustain them. If I'm correct they don't need light at all it's just an aquarists friend :good:

I read TOTAL blackout, so at the moment, I'm not letting any light in at all.

How long can my plants last like this?

i was going to point out the diff between no light & blackout, but anyway.
a blackout for 3 days won't kill your plants (it's a common tactic vs BGA ) nad the fish'll be ok
Not sure it's going to work with BBA, if that's what you have.
The route cause of BBA is usually low, or fluctuating co[sub]2[/sub].
If that problem's not addressed then there's a good chance that it'll come back, even if the blackout does stop it.
just my 2p worth from someone with a reoccuring BBA prob.(a blackout, didn't stop mine)
i was going to point out the diff between no light & blackout, but anyway.
a blackout for 3 days won't kill your plants (it's a common tactic vs BGA ) nad the fish'll be ok
Not sure it's going to work with BBA, if that's what you have.
The route cause of BBA is usually low, or fluctuating co[sub]2[/sub].
If that problem's not addressed then there's a good chance that it'll come back, even if the blackout does stop it.
just my 2p worth from someone with a reoccuring BBA prob.(a blackout, didn't stop mine)

Thanks! I don't currently add any Co2, just whatever there is in the water.

I never have (for 18 months) and the algae problem is quite recent.

It seems to have started once I started doing water changes every 2-3 weeks, instead of weekly... I also stopped dosing with ferts (the only one I've had is ADA Greeny Brighty 1) as my plants were growing like mad.

Could either of these things be the cause?
The route cause of BBA is usually low, or fluctuating co[sub]2[/sub].

Thanks! I don't currently add any Co2, just whatever there is in the water.

I never have (for 18 months) and the algae problem is quite recent.
It seems to have started once I started doing water changes every 2-3 weeks, instead of weekly... I also stopped dosing with ferts (the only one I've had is ADA Greeny Brighty 1) as my plants were growing like mad.

Could either of these things be the cause?

As a guess.
There's co2 in your tap water.You used to add it once a week, ie you used to 'boost' the co2 level in the tank, weekly.This met the demands that your lighting & ferts required.
Now every 2-3 weeks between changes, so the plants go for longer with less co2.
Make any sense? Not really explained it too well.
Also when you water change do you have a good clean up to? Leaving it longer gives detritus more chance to build up.Algae loves organic waste.
seems logical! Thanks!!

I guess I'll go back to weekly water changes!!
I recently done the whole "black out" thing in my tank.

Done everything by the book....
Massive clean
40(ish)% water change
Peeled back worst effected leaves
Blacked out whole tank (with bin bags)
Unplugged light and left for 5 days.

I still put a small amount of feed in each morning, but that was it.

And I have to say, it has made a good difference. Not COMPLETELY gone, bit a lot more manageable.

Oh, and my light is only on a 4hr timer now, as opposed to the 9 it was on before.

I recently done the whole "black out" thing in my tank.

Done everything by the book....
Massive clean
40(ish)% water change
Peeled back worst effected leaves
Blacked out whole tank (with bin bags)
Unplugged light and left for 5 days.

I still put a small amount of feed in each morning, but that was it.

And I have to say, it has made a good difference. Not COMPLETELY gone, bit a lot more manageable.

Oh, and my light is only on a 4hr timer now, as opposed to the 9 it was on before.



Just an update, for anyone listening.

I did the total blackout for 5 days.

Now the water seems very clear! and no sign of algae! yay!!

I've gone back to weekly water changes, so hopefully it won't come back?

wish me luck!

good news.
I shouldn't have chickened out after 3 days
good news.
I shouldn't have chickened out after 3 days

It did seem like a long time... I was worried about the plants and the fish, but everyone seems OK. The fish were a little pale, but are fine now.

I've also adjusted my light to only be on 5 hours a day now.... fingers crossed!
Nice one!!! :good:

It's a long 5 days isn't it? But that extra day makes all the difference.

Hope it stays away as mine has kind of come back, but a lot more manageable this time. Just need to keep it under control this time :lol:


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