Does Anyone have any Stocking suggestions

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I would add another nine Kuhlii’s.
Ooh I second that. I keep reading about them because I really really want them (but sadly have no tank for them) and everyone says, the more the merrier. They have low bioload and their behavior changes when in bigger groups.
Everyone says Khulis are almost 100% peaceful except for small snails, and are more likely to be bullied than to bully someone.
This was a reply someone gave me to my question on their decor I would worry more about spending on a bunch of proper hiding spots where you can still see them. Cholla wood, smaller driftwoods to wiggle under, rocks to make little lean-tos and teepees, planter rocks where you can put a plant they might like to hide near the base or the roots. They love crawling and wiggling through small holes, so pick things like a with holes but not sharp edges. As with many fish, the more "secure" a fish feels and an easy place to dart to if they are scared, the more they feel comfortable coming out

BTW I saw people putting like betta hammocks and some other loaches, not kuhlis specifically, would just sleep there, on the glass like in a bed. So cute
This was a reply someone gave me to my question on their decor I would worry more about spending on a bunch of proper hiding spots where you can still see them. Cholla wood, smaller driftwoods to wiggle under, rocks to make little lean-tos and teepees, planter rocks where you can put a plant they might like to hide near the base or the roots. They love crawling and wiggling through small holes, so pick things like a with holes but not sharp edges. As with many fish, the more "secure" a fish feels and an easy place to dart to if they are scared, the more they feel comfortable coming out

This is a wonderful quote, and fantastic advice! Brilliant rating to whoever said this! Really thinking about things from the fishes perspective, and the last part about when a fish has an environment it feels safe and secure in, like having a lot of hiding places and/or plants and substrate that suits them, while keeping them in good numbers, means the more they come out because they feel secure.
BTW I saw people putting like betta hammocks and some other loaches, not kuhlis specifically, would just sleep there, on the glass like in a bed. So cute

Loaches are adorable like that, yes! Here's one of my otos doing the same with a cupped plant leaf, hanging out in his little hammock!

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