Does Any Body Know What Type Of Fish This Is


Fish Crazy
Nov 25, 2013
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Ok so I up some pic she has babys but I was wandering what type of fish she is the guy at the pet store told me is was a so ward tail is that right? please let me know.


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She does look like a swordtail (only the males grow swords, which are an extension on the bottom of the tail), but she could be a platy.
Those two species are very closely related and many, many pet shop swords and platies will be hybrids. It's very difficult to tell if females are one species or another, or hybrids.
fluttermoth said:
She does look like a swordtail (only the males grow swords, which are an extension on the bottom of the tail), but she could be a platy.
Those two species are very closely related and many, many pet shop swords and platies will be hybrids. It's very difficult to tell if females are one species or another, or hybrids.

She does have babys in her right? And can you tell frome the pics how far along she is?
I do believe you have a pregnant platy. Watch for squaring off. When you reach that point, shouldn't be too long before she has her babies.
She looks more like a swordtail to me.  She's very bulbous at the front but not squared at the back yet.
Thanks for all the help she has gone to my cave and started hiding this white stringy stuff has started to come out of her is that bad?
I have a female who looks just like her, haha. It kinda creeped me out to be honest at first as she is just as round too. She is pregnant (Both yours and mine) And mine does that sometimes, I don't know if it technically is a problem, but mine does that when I feed her blood worms and she acts purfectly healthy. I will be interested to see what others have to say about the white strings. 
Thanks for all the help she had 118 only 80 made it through the berth I think it killed them because I had got her from the pet store one week before she had the babys and that was a lot of stress having to move from the tank she was in
Wow that is a huge number of babies.  Congrats!
Now what are you going to do with 80 swordtails?!
Looks swordtail to me, bit long in the body for a platy

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