Do your guppies eat your live shrimp?


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2020
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I'm thinking of populating an empty ten gallon tank with a few guppies and cherry shrimp, but I read comflicting stories about whether or not guppies will eat the shrimp.

What is your experience? Thanks.
I'd like to hop in on this thread too! Was curious about getting cherry shrimp with my guppies, but didn't want to risk it.

I've heard that guppies might go for shrimp fry, but I don't believe I've seen any direct horror stories where someone's guppies have eaten their cherry shrimp.
Well, I intend to give it a try, but I have to cycle the tank first, and find a good source for guppies. I want some really beautiful ones.
We can go into cherry shrimp and guppies together and see how it turns out!

Right now I've got my first load of guppy fry in my 54L, and I'd like to get cherry shrimp when I've got all the plants in there.

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