Do your fish "Yawn"?

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Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2004
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My convicts yawn for 2-3 minuets strait at about 10:30 every night when i'm watching tv. Is this out of the ordinary? Do your fish do it too?
LOL :lol: not for 2-3 mins, but yes most of them do something that is rather close to what human calls "yawning". And they certainly don't do it just before bed time...
lol mine always do it while im watching adult swim on cartoon network at 10:30. They stare at me too. It's like they want the TV turned off. lol i love those little pink guys :)
well mine dont do it constantly for 2-3 min. but its like they do it alot in a 2-3 min. time span.
Yes my bettas yawn a lot.....Its normal there sleepy.......... :rolleyes:
Cheese Specialist said:
I think over-yawning is a symptom of internal bacterial problems. A little is normal, a lot is not.
yea they yawn but i think cheese specialist is right over yawning like that is a bacterial problem :unsure:
ever seen a goldfish yawn? their mouths are bigger than you think! :blink: my friend's betta yawns; it annoys her cos i always see it and she never does. :D
yup .....tiger barbs yawn too!!! dont know if its related to when we have something boring on tv though :D

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