and think, "My goodness, my poor fish!"
Ever since I joined this forum, I've been thinking about our old fishtanks a lot. My family had a fishtank from the time I was 3 until I was maybe 12. It was a 20 gallon tall aquarium, with the stock filter and lighting (as far as I remember, I was just a kid) and an assortment of poor, unlucky fish who happened to be hardy enough to survive our inexperience and lack of education.
As best as I remember, this is what our stocking was for some time...
3x Neon Tetra
2x Zebra Danio
1x Tiger Barb
2x Jewel Cichlids (I think they were a mated pair?)
1x Striped Raphael Catfish
... Yeah. Lots of poor lonely schooling fish. The catfish was a tough little thing though- he lived for about 7 years, including a period where we completely lost interest in the tank for several months and ignored it without even feeding regularly. Once he got stuck in a small fake log ornament we had in there and my dad had to pry the poor fellow out! I think he was probably stunted, since I don't remember him being more than 3-ish inches long.
Also, we were clueless about maintentance... Water was partially changed MAYBE once every two weeks. Lights were left on 24/7. The poor catfish only ate leftovers, we never fed him anything special. He also had to live on gravel and probably tore his barbels all to pieces. Cycling? What's that? Oh, just chuck a tiger barb or two into the aquarium and leave him for a few weeks before adding the other fish... And that's exactly what happened.
May all those poor fish swim happily in some fishy heaven...
Sorry, I'm rambling now, but I was just thinking of how much I've learned in such a short time and was wondering if any of you had similar stories to mine.
Ever since I joined this forum, I've been thinking about our old fishtanks a lot. My family had a fishtank from the time I was 3 until I was maybe 12. It was a 20 gallon tall aquarium, with the stock filter and lighting (as far as I remember, I was just a kid) and an assortment of poor, unlucky fish who happened to be hardy enough to survive our inexperience and lack of education.
As best as I remember, this is what our stocking was for some time...
3x Neon Tetra
2x Zebra Danio
1x Tiger Barb
2x Jewel Cichlids (I think they were a mated pair?)
1x Striped Raphael Catfish
... Yeah. Lots of poor lonely schooling fish. The catfish was a tough little thing though- he lived for about 7 years, including a period where we completely lost interest in the tank for several months and ignored it without even feeding regularly. Once he got stuck in a small fake log ornament we had in there and my dad had to pry the poor fellow out! I think he was probably stunted, since I don't remember him being more than 3-ish inches long.
Also, we were clueless about maintentance... Water was partially changed MAYBE once every two weeks. Lights were left on 24/7. The poor catfish only ate leftovers, we never fed him anything special. He also had to live on gravel and probably tore his barbels all to pieces. Cycling? What's that? Oh, just chuck a tiger barb or two into the aquarium and leave him for a few weeks before adding the other fish... And that's exactly what happened.
May all those poor fish swim happily in some fishy heaven...
Sorry, I'm rambling now, but I was just thinking of how much I've learned in such a short time and was wondering if any of you had similar stories to mine.