do i cut off leaves with holes in them?


Mar 23, 2003
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i just bought a crypt, and it has a freckle sized hole in one of the leaves. . . do i cut that leaf off, or just leave it?
It won't do any harm :/

but if it bugs you then get rid of it :D

it doesnt bug me 2 much i just wasnt sure if it was bad to leave it on. i dont have any snails that i can see, but maybe there were some at the lfs that stayed in the tank when i bought the plants.
u could be better of to cut it cause the leaf might just die anyway :/
It depends what the leaf looks like, do you think this is some kind of problem with the plant itself, or something made a whole in it. (Snail, person, whatever) If it is a problem with the plant itself you should cut the leaf off because it will divert energy to that leaf even if it is going to die anyway. If something chewed a whole in the leaf, leave it, it will be fine, (I don't think the hole will go away though)
the hole has brown around the edges, and is slowly getting larger. also, the tips of the leaves look like someone cut them off (they're flat at the ends, not pointed or rounded.)

so when you said i should cut the leaf off, do i just cut the leaf off, or the stem thingy attatching it to the rest of the plant too?

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