DIY co2

jordan barnhart

Fish Crazy
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Nashville, Tennessee - USA
I used the DIY co2 injector off this site. I just need to know how to tell if it is working.

I gave the bottes a shake to stir things up and some gasses were released through the airstone, i saw bubbles, that was all. Is there anything else I need to do? Like squeeze it? Is this a one time thing or does it run and run for a period of time. Im new to co2 and have many plants, I currently have a 55gall at 3.4 wats per gallon, 15gall at 4wpg, and 2 10galls at 3wpg.

Any help?
dont squeeze the bottle if i were you :) you might squeeze too hard and inject the brew into the tank :D hehehe make sure you have a check valve to prevent that from happening or vis a vis :D anyways as far as what i know you have to dissolve the c02 into the tank there are a lot of ways
shown there :) just choose one and off you go :) and it runs for a long time, around 2 - 3 weeks depending on your brew :) hehe
You are doing fine JB ........ it takes a while (a day or 2) before you get a steady stream of bubbles out of the tube. A gentle shake once every couple of days helps :)

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