Discuss Not Eating!?!?!?

yer ino... can only wait till tomorrow though cause all lfs are close at this time is midnight here at Australia- Melbourne... so you know.
I don't really want to get rid of the tiger barbs because they look good and there large but is it highly recommended ?
Tiger barbs look good but DON'T work with discus, you really have the wrong mix of fish in the tank. You need to adress the stocking problems and test water quickly or you will lose the Discus, once stressed they go downhill very quickly. How about swaping the Tiger barbs and sevs for a water test kit at your LFS. Or you could rehome the Discus and keep your other fish however when the sevs reach maturity they will need a bigger tank. Or get another large tank and split your fish.
regards Angel
i don't have sevs any more...
ill give the barbs into lfs for a test kit hopefully....
then ill do 50% water change tomorrow cos im adding big wood ornament....
see how things pan out then :)
Make sure you test the water that is currently in your tank and not after your water change. It should have be tested on October 30 when you started this topic.

How many water changes have you done since you started this topic?
yeah, i'll test the water before i do a water change..
i have done about 3 15% water changes and also 2 50% water changes since i started the topic..
thanks :)
more water changed dude... should have done about twice that by now....
today i gave in my tiger barbs to my lfs and they gave me back a massive silver shark he is about 7 inches! :)

my take is fine now the discuss is eating!!! YESS SO HAPPPPPPYYYY

my tank is great now!!

thanks so much for all of u who helped me through this stressful time lol :) :):)::):):):):):
I'm sorry to hear that. :(
It's too bad you don't listen to a thing we say, I don't think there is any hope for your tank.
today i gave in my tiger barbs to my lfs and they gave me back a massive silver shark he is about 7 inches! :)

my take is fine now the discuss is eating!!! YESS SO HAPPPPPPYYYY

my tank is great now!!

thanks so much for all of u who helped me through this stressful time lol :) :):)::):):):):):

I cant believe you have done this those poor fish
you were already told you are too overstocked
you have fish that are not compatable , you ask for advice and the forum members took their time and answered your questions and ignore it i feel so sorry for your fish

I can see a lot more problems for your poor fishes in the future
my tank is fine... its ok i made mistake aswell it aint 7 inches it like 4... :) sorry bout that
The discus are stressed, its good that you removed the TB's and the Sev's, however, Balas will grow very large, they are skittish fish and require groups of 6 minimum to be happy, the behavious of the bala will stress the discus again.

Did you manage to get the water tested?
no the water i didn't test it, i still need to.. how ever i asked the guy at my lfs when i traded the TB's in he said yes the silver shark is fine with discuss and angels..

i agreed with him because the shark was in a tank full of discuss :S so i didn't know but he is alright all discuss are eating.. :)

except the one that didn't eat is only eating blood worms... whats up with that :S?
Evidently your LFS staff don't know the requirements of Discus. Concientious retailers would not have allowed you to get Discus in the first place with your current stock... :/

The bala will get to 18 inches in captivity, but Chester Zoo apparently have some at 3ft length. He is not suitable, and needs to be removed. :nod:

Considering how little advise you have taken onboard here, I'd give your Discus about a month to two months to live at most :sad: To be blunt, and to give you a quick current situation review from how I see things from my end, ATM, going by your current resposes so far, I can see you are likely going to fall into one of two categories; "too ignorant to learn" or "more money than sence". :crazy: So far you have lunged into every purchase without doing any research and you have ignored the advise of members on here. Then, and only then, you wonder why things aren't working for you. Try a new approach to keeping fish, where you make no "spur of the moment" desisions in the LFS and you will get far further. :good:

Seriously bud, you need to research before buying. If you don't, you will loose fish. You're LFS has proven they cannot be trusted, so you need to take all their advice on the matter with a pinch of salt :nod:

All the best

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