discus help


Fish Fanatic
Sep 6, 2018
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Hi, im helping someone who recived a neglected tank a few mounths ago

its a 350 l tank with one discus 2 asian bees, 2 plecos and 2 puntius.

the discus started to develop greys black patches on his skin mainy around his mouth

and a bit on his back. its a bit hard to see but heres a pic



What do you think this is? the water quality wasent so great lately due to lack of WC but iil get on that now, did a 40% yesterday and will do 25% every week now. , nitrates was 40 befor the last wc

In addition i would appreciate any tips on keeping discus, i know ph and hardness are a deal with them. thank you!
The black patch is called peppering...

When you have black bottom or black background, some Discus especially the red or orange one will start to develop the peppering..
Change your bottom to light colour and your background to blue or some other colour. Avoid any black or dark colour.

For my bare bottom tank, I put a very light pinkish sheet under the tank.
My Red Melon still show slight black colour on the edge of its fins... But they are ok.
Its mouth and face are all red.
There isnt any black patch at all.

If you keep blue Discus, they won't have peppering problem.
But if you use black background or bottom, the blue Discus will turn very dark.
So avoid black bottom and background.
The fish will try to camouflage with their background and bottom and start to turn dark or black.
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but is it a health issue? i dont care that hell change is color , as long as hes happy ans healthy
but is it a health issue? i dont care that hell change is color , as long as hes happy ans healthy

No, it has nothing to do with health.
It's like animal that try to camouflage itself by changing to its surrounding colour.

By the way, you have to ensure that you make enough water change each week especially if you feed the Discus a lot.
Recently, I increase my water change to 90-150% once a week.

How big are your Pleco? Pleco also produces a lot of waste.
What is your Asian Bee? I have never heard of this fish.
What Puntius fish are you having?
Under the Barbs family, there are many species of Barbs.
Some Barbs can by nippy and they will nip the fins of other fish. This can cause infection to the fish.
Leiocassis siamensis is the sicentific name
and the puntios is Puntius denisonii
the pleco is big , 25 cm

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