Fish Crazy
I've been told Discus can't compete with Angels for food and so shouldn't be kept together, but I've also seen reports of them being successfully kept together. My tank is 238L + 100L in the external filter, and will be heavily planted, with a white sand bottom, with 2 air pumps working at the same time (1 airstone and one 90cm bubble wand). I have a few questions:
I would really prefer Discus, but my mother is bent on Angels, and I do love them also. However, I have never kept either fish before, and would like to know the following:
1. Can I keep the Angels with the Discus, if I can ensure they all get enough food?
2. If I keep them at 79 or 80 degrees Fahrenheit, will the discus still be fine?
3. Can I keep small fish and/or cherry shrimp with the angels and discus? I mean, is there a chance the angels won't eat the small fish if kept with them since they are very young?
4. Do ADFs get along well with these fish?
5. Is my tank large enough for 1 pair of each?
6. Symphysodon discus is smaller than Symphysodon aequifasciatus, right? By how much?
7. Which discus species is best?
8. Can I successfully keep zebra danios at 79-80 degrees?
Thanks in advance!
I'm not a total noob, been in this for four years, but I am new to cichlids
If my tank is well planted, like a thick jungle, can I keep all these fish?
Thanks in advance!
I would really prefer Discus, but my mother is bent on Angels, and I do love them also. However, I have never kept either fish before, and would like to know the following:
1. Can I keep the Angels with the Discus, if I can ensure they all get enough food?
2. If I keep them at 79 or 80 degrees Fahrenheit, will the discus still be fine?
3. Can I keep small fish and/or cherry shrimp with the angels and discus? I mean, is there a chance the angels won't eat the small fish if kept with them since they are very young?
4. Do ADFs get along well with these fish?
5. Is my tank large enough for 1 pair of each?
6. Symphysodon discus is smaller than Symphysodon aequifasciatus, right? By how much?
7. Which discus species is best?
8. Can I successfully keep zebra danios at 79-80 degrees?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!