Dilemma With New Ottos

Here are a couple of pictures of one of the ottos deliberating with the pleco which leave to polish next:


Nice pictures, and I love your cory.

Glad to hear that all the otos are doing well.

My oto's also are rarely together, they are usually scattered through out the tank, and its a devil of a job to do a head count, too many bits of timber and clumps of moss for them to hide in, under and around.
Did you end up getting any sushi nori sheets? One of my local pet shops feed his shrimp a type of nori sheet developed for marine tanks, so if you can't get the human type maybe your LFS can get the marine type. I have found that my typhus shrimp go nuts for the nori sheet and many of my other fish also get excited by it, but I can't say I have seen my oto's at it. But then my oto's seem happy eating the different algeas in my tank along with Tetramin vege flakes.
No, I haven't got anything and they don't seem interested in any veg that go in for my pleco. I keep checking on them everyday to make sure they are not getting thinner. At the moment, they look like pregnant when looking from above, big round bellies but there couldn't be that much algae as I can't see too much, some black stuff on the stones left :/ and I'll try to find something exotic for them to eat. There's no sunshine here at the moment so the rock on the window thing may not do too well. I live in Ireland, and trust me it should be renamed to from green Ireland to Grey Ireland. I have a tank right next to the window free of algae. I keep seeing youtube videos of them eating cucumber or zucchini but my guys are just awkward. They do seem very happy and active though for the moment but I am dreading it they'll starve without me realizing it.

I was reading around about their shoaling behaviour and apparently they may not shoal at all if not threatened, especially if in a tank of their own when there's no other fish, the lack of danger makese them comfy :lol: . I guess having a few to keep the stress down in case they do get stressed is a plus. I don't really have mid or top dwelling fish and they pretty much have a lot of tank to themselves. They really like my grass, swinging on it all day long polishing it up and down :lol:
My oto's are with a group of female fighters, ( one of which has now decided its a male after 12 months, but they are all sisters and now a brother) and the fighters all get alone well together and show the oto's no interest at all.
I haven't updated this thread in ages, but for someone that may come accross it my 3 surviving ottos are alive and healthy. They still don't eat any algae tablets or other human prepared/added food. They don't eat cucumber/zucchini and melon in particular which are the most common veg/fruit I add. I guess I've come across some super wild batch of otos.

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