Decor modification question


Fish Herder
Mar 6, 2014
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Ok...I'm interested in this dragon skull gazor ornament for a future betta tank.

But...I don't like the red eyes! Do you think it's possible(and safe) to pop these red eyes off and out in like a blue color of aquarium safe jewel rock things? I think I've seen different color rocks like this one has already sold in the aquarium sections.

I also bought this medium mangrove root. Would both of these be ok in a ten gallon tank? Or would it be too much? I do plan on doing plants and maybe a piece of mopani driftwood if it fits.

Any thoughts welcome! This tank won't be ready for a while but I like looking around and stuff. And I really wanted a dragon. I wish I could just by a dragon figurine from Amazon as they have awesome ones but they aren't made for aquariums. Don't know if they'd be safe. (Like this...)

It's resin but don't know if it would be aquarium safe or if there was something I could use to make it that way. Might not be this particular one but yeah...just thought I'd ask. Lol.
Did you read the review on there from someone who used the dragon for their own betta? They said it shredded his fins, etc. Not sure I'd want it in my tank.
I wouldn't use the dragon either. Bettas have delicate fins and you do have to be careful about decor. The usual advice is to run an old pair of tights (pantyhose) over the ornament and if they snag on anything either sand it smooth or don't use it. The rough bits don't have to be spikes like the dragon has, just rough enough to catch on tights/pantyhose.
I don't use fake stuff in my tanks, For about the same price you can buy bogwood and plants.
Did you read the review on there from someone who used the dragon for their own betta? They said it shredded his fins, etc. Not sure I'd want it in my tank.

I wouldn't use the dragon either. Bettas have delicate fins and you do have to be careful about decor. The usual advice is to run an old pair of tights (pantyhose) over the ornament and if they snag on anything either sand it smooth or don't use it. The rough bits don't have to be spikes like the dragon has, just rough enough to catch on tights/pantyhose.

Yes I read that review as well as the comment made to it. I know to make sure everything is smooth. Another reviewer also said you must sand it and such for a betta. I don't have a problem with that. I've done it before and can do it again. Not to mention I plan on another plakat so no real long fins to mess with at least. But i will make sure it's smooth(as well as the other decoration that I already purchased.)

I don't use fake stuff in my tanks, For about the same price you can buy bogwood and plants.

I tried to find some spiderwood but didn't have any luck (with price and size) and I really liked this piece. It will be live plants as long as I can get them to grow! The fake wood I plan on attaching anubias and making it look cool. As for the dragon...I wanted a bit of spice. This will be my home "office" fish where I will be doing some writing. I wanted a bit of awesomeness to help with my muse. Lol. I love dragons. :) I do love the look of the natural tanks though and plan that for my big one. As long as plants
Am pretty sure you can take out the red eyes from that penn plax Dragon Head and put it an alternative stone of your choice, just use superglue thats 100% cyanoacrylate.

Am not sure if you've already seen these two choices I've found on eBay, though I am UK based, so that means it may cost more to ship etc.

I actually kind of like this one tbh -

These are so so imho -

There is lots of tank dragon decor like the above balinese style ones which are okayish from what i can see fromt he pics, its hard to tell just from a pic if its a good size and quality, thats what makes it difficult to choose as having it in your hands you can decide much easier imho!

As for the wood for the 10 gal, well a 10 gal is not the biggest tank, I have one and am kind of limited as to what sized of wood you can put in one of these tanks but theres no rule that says you can't add that wood ;)
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Thanks for the links Ch4rlie! I actually looked at those too but I'm not thrilled with the balinese type dragons. Asian types aren't quite what I'm looking for. The serpent one is ok but I like the skull better. Especially if I can put something else for the eyes. Lol. And I do have some of that super glue as well!

I think I could have some fun trying to decorate it and see where plants can go. I can't wait for when i'm at the design point. It will be a good place for a betta. Now to try to be patient and wait for one of my current ten gallon tanks to be

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