Dead Fish In The Tanks At The Lfs - Safe?

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Sep 6, 2013
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Okay so this is something I have always wondered... Today I was looking at my LFS just to see what they had. I noticed that they had white clouds, and there were probably 10 throughout the bottom of the tank, dead (this was probably like a 5 gallon tank). There were another 5-7 that were dead, half stuck in the filter... And there were another handful that were just floating around the tank, dead. There were a LOT of live fish, however. Probably between 50-100.

When LFS tanks are like that, where there  are obviously dead fish (especially more than just one) can't that make the tank itself have poor quality? I mean, let's say I wanted to buy a handful of white clouds from that tank (and to the eye they seemed pretty healthy)... What do you think the chances are that they've contracted something from there being dead fish in the tank? I mean some of them were obviously decomposing and had been dead in there for a while.

I have always been really iffy about buying any fish that comes from a tank where there is another dead fish in it, or even more-so if there are multiple dead fish in the tank.

Hmmmm, that doesn't sound good to me......sounds like they really don't take care of the fish like they should....esp. leaving dead fish in a tank to decompose. I wouldn't buy fish there....just my opinion.....
Well, to me, if there are dead fish there is the possibility that they died of an illness. I'd be afraid to get fish there because of the possible meds expense and extra work, hoping not to cross contaminate to my other that float are usually dead for a while already and fish that have begun to decompose I would question the store's ability/willingness to care for the fish properly and believe that their stock would be inferior.
However, if that is your only source to get fish, then you can (as you should with new fish anyways) always put them in a quarantine tank for 4 weeks to see if with your care they have a chance!
With that many deaths, and being in the tank that long, I would not buy any fish from them.
A few deaths happen. There is a lot of stress in transport, but when said fish are not speedily removed it speaks of poor maintinence by the staff, and one can expect other problems.
that really doesnt sound good, that many dead fish!?!
sometime there will be 1 or 2 dead fish in the tanks at petsmart and petco(where i get most of my fish) but that doesnt worry me too much. but that many!!!
yea i agree with the others, and at a LFS all of the tanks are connected so if one fish gets sick it sometimes spreads to every tank
It would probably best to point the dead fish out to a staff member next time you're there. 
If, more than anything, just to see what they have to say ;)
BettaBarbara said:
Hmmmm, that doesn't sound good to me......sounds like they really don't take care of the fish like they should....esp. leaving dead fish in a tank to decompose. I wouldn't buy fish there....just my opinion.....
"I wouldn't buy fish there....just my opinion.....
"  You took the words out of my mouth !!! a store near me is really bad its the popular pet store in the uk, the fish are always dying in there I went in a few days ago and found a betta getting ate by clown loaches.
Yeah that sounds pretty bad. I wouldn't buy fish from a place that had that many dead fish in one tank. It is suggested not to buy from stores that have any dead fish but I don't know how that is possible. Fish can die from many different things not all of it being diseases. 
Not worth giving them your money.

A few you could understand - from different tanks, but not all the same tank. Even if they had an ill batch, they should have a 'not for sale' sign on if receiving meds or acclimatising. Also, the tank should be closely monitored.

Them being busy would not be an excuse, as it doesn't take 5 mins to net out the bodies and dispose of. - I wonder how many sales they lost due to customers seeing that?

If I was waiting for assistance, I wouldn't mind waiting that bit longer if they said they would be with me after they dealt with that tank.

Having said that, whenever I purchase fish, I always have a wander around all the tanks to see what's about, and the general health of all of their stock, not just what I'm after.
Man it sounds pretty bad. Just like an LFS in my area. Dont buy fish from them. They dont deserve to be paid cuz of the bad job they do taking care of fish.
To someone who had said that usually the tanks are connected at LFS... The tanks here ARE connected by those little walls with holes in them. There were actually two larger fish (I don't know what they were but they appeared to be peaceful schooling fish) in the tank with the white clouds and were obviously stressed out and actually a lot of fish throughout their wall had somehow gotten onto the other sides and were in the wrong tanks and were living with other fish. There was an oscar where the sign had said 'vampire tetra' and I am ASSUMING that the oscar ate all of the tetras. It was a pretty large oscar, too.

It makes me mad because I KNOW that the owner knows how to properly care for fish, but he just doesn't. And I have to drive at least 45 minutes out of town to get fish elsewhere.

I don't think I am going to be buying anything from here other than necessary foods or something if I am unable to go elsewhere and I need it quickly.
I wouldn't buy from them - a few fish are bound to die from stress from transport and stuff, but what doesn't have to happen is for them to be left to decompose in the store :( shows how much they care about the animals they're selling imo

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