Day 24 Cycle


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
Dunblane, Perthshire
*Georgie accent "Day 24 in the Star Wars Tank..."

Currently processing 2.0ppm in around 36 hours. Nitrites and Nitrates now both off the chart.
pH: 7.8 (controlled with Bicarb of Soda otherwise falls back to 6.4)
Temp: 82 - 86F

Has been this way for about 8 days now. Is it now just a case of waiting for those Nitrites to plummet and ammonia processing to speed up?

*Georgie accent "Day 24 in the Star Wars Tank..."

Currently processing 2.0ppm in around 36 hours. Nitrites and Nitrates now both off the chart.
pH: 7.8 (controlled with Bicarb of Soda otherwise falls back to 6.4)
Temp: 82 - 86F

Has been this way for about 8 days now. Is it now just a case of waiting for those Nitrites to plummet and ammonia processing to speed up?


This is very similar to what was happening when my tank was cycling. My PH fell to 6.0 at one point near the end. My nitrites were off the chart as well and stayed that way, and then, as I am sure you have read about, overnight they had fallen to near nothing. What is your exact nitrAte reading right now? Someone else can correct me if I am wrong, but a super high nitrate reading can cause the PH to keep crashing I think. I did a 90% WC at one point to get rid of the high nitrates/raise the PH. But overall, yeah, it is just a waiting game for the nitrite to fall. Keep in mind, my tank took 7 weeks to cycle, so you will get there!

PS: Just to gauge it a little, my nitrIte didn't fall until about week 4.

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