Dark Discus


Fish Addict
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
Balloch, Scotland
1 of my new discus isn't doing too well. Iv had it for about 3 months now and its not hanging about with the others, just sits behind some bog wood by itself. It's eating ok a pooing fine too.
Bit this morning I noticed its gone pretty dark. I done a quick water check before I left for work, and everything is normal. I do a 30% water change every sunday and they get a small varied feed twice a day.
Tank is heavily planted with fine gravel substrate, powerhead and external filter (that gets 1section cleaned every start of month).

Is there any obvious things I am doing wrong or could be doing differently or better.

I'l post a pic of it when I get home tonight.

Gary, as you know they will turn dark under stress or sickness. Have you noticed whether it gets picked on by the other fish?

Any other symptoms? Common ones to look for are:

Holding one or both pectoral fins flat against its body.
Swollen looking gill covers.
String like flecks coming out of its mouth while it breaths.
Cloudy eyes.
Small hole in its forehead.
Skin mucus pealing.
Obvious sores on skin or fins.

Have a look tonight, and see if you can spot anything.
Just had a we look again and nothing obvious that I can tell is wrong. I checked with all the symptoms you suggested but as far ad I can tell its all ok.

The big one in the tank does tend to boss of about since adding them but the other 1 I added at the same time, that came from the same tank, is ok and has been accepted into the group. Still has its bars on display right enough.

My cameras on the blink for some reason right now so still can't list a pic, will try again in the morning.

Might just be that it is a shy fish that is getting chased, and as such is a little stressed. If this is the case it should pass with time. Normally I would have expected to see other symptoms if it were sick.
Excellent, cheers for your help. Do you think it'd be a good idea adding an other pair or should I wait till its come round a bit? Iv only got 4 now as the last of my babys kicked the bucket recently (I was given them but all 3 didn't make it, they were in pretty bad shape when I got them). But id like to have at least 6.

Excellent, cheers for your help. Do you think it'd be a good idea adding an other pair or should I wait till its come round a bit? Iv only got 4 now as the last of my babys kicked the bucket recently (I was given them but all 3 didn't make it, they were in pretty bad shape when I got them). But id like to have at least 6.


It would help them settle and the more you have the less dominant any one fish becomes. In my main tank I have between 16 and 20 at anyone time(depending on where the pairs are at), and I have no fighting or dominant fish at all. They are so peaceful. Obviously you need a good bit of space for 20 Discus, but if you have room for 6-8 it will help them a lot.

When you feed your fish, try feeding them far away from where the loner is, and then when the main group are occupied eating, drop a little food in front of the lone fish. This might help it eat, without getting chased away.

Good luck mate
Ok great, cheers. I'll look up a number for a breeder that likes near here and get a few more and hopefully this will help sort it out.

The biggest 1 out the group seems to be very dominant, so would adding some small and maybe a pair the same size be a good idea? I tend to always buy the smaller 1s, as there a good bit cheaper bit if it'll help then i'll fork out for a pair of 6" ones.

Thanks for your help by the way and sorry for all the questions.

The size of the fish shouldn't be too much of the issue. The dominant fish will become more subdued in a larger group. If possible go and look at the fish for sale, and watch them for 20 minutes or so before you buy them so you can see their temperament. Ask the seller if you can watch them feeding too. That way you can pick ones that are quick to come for the food, and not the ones skulking at the back of the tank.
Ok, so now the discus in question is doing the odd white poo. It went for about a week there without eating, which was not like it, but yesterday it perked up a bit and was eating a little.

But it was doing an unmistakably white poo.

He is still really dark in colour but is starting to swim about with some of the other discus, but I no this problem won't fix itself.

Does any1 know what's the best way to go about treating this fish? All other fish in the tank are fine so far, but can this spread?

Please please help

Ok, so now the discus in question is doing the odd white poo. It went for about a week there without eating, which was not like it, but yesterday it perked up a bit and was eating a little.

But it was doing an unmistakably white poo.

He is still really dark in colour but is starting to swim about with some of the other discus, but I no this problem won't fix itself.

Does any1 know what's the best way to go about treating this fish? All other fish in the tank are fine so far, but can this spread?

Please please help


Sorry mate, i have been away. You need to feed them Metronidazole. Can be tricky. Also you need to find a source of Metro. i use the capsules, pull them apart and sprinkle the powder on a block of frozen blood worms. As they thaw they will absorb the metro and you can feed........do for a week
I couldn't get a hold,of metro anywhere. I called a few vets in my area and they didn't real with it. I did manage to get some eSHa Hexamita last week though on amazon which apparently treats the same symptoms. I used it as instructed (on pack) to use it for 3 days. I even put some in some bloodworm too. It's been 4 days since the treatment ended and its still really dark. It hasn't had a white poo though and earlier tonight, it fed for the first time in about 2 weeks, not an awful lot mind you but its a start.

Still not to sure what else I can do with it, its really thin, won't swim with the others, barley eats. Kinda stumped on this.


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