New Member
6 months ago one of my zebra danios lost an eye - there was no indication of infection or other physical damage, it just wasn't there anymore. The danio was absolutely fine with 1 eye until this morning when the remaining eye was hugely swollen, popping out of his head, and bright bright red. I don;t know fi this was the right thing to do, but I was so worried about him ending up blind that I euthanased him this morning with ice water.
I'm worried though that it might be something in the water that could affect the other fish or something I may have done to injure him when I cleaned the tank yesterday (he was fine before I cleaned the tank, and seemed fine after I finished it was only this morning I noticed the eye).
My question is - should I treat the tank for something now to stop the other fish getting the same problem?
Thank you.
Tank size: 4feet long, 18 inches high, 1 foot deep
kH:240 - the water is always this hard
gH:180 - the water is always this hard
tank temp:26 degrees C (a little high for danios I know - but they have been quite happy in there for over a year)
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
The now dead fish had already lost one eye (but been fine for 6 months) and this morning the other eye was really massively swollen and bright bright red. He was also hiding a lot and wasn't swimming with the others as normal.
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
The tank at the moment is being looked after by parents while I move house so water changes are not regular they are only when I can back here to do it. Last change was 3 weeks ago about 50% and then yesterday 50%. But the tank is way under capacity for fish stocking and has 2 filters running, so although its not ideal its not as bad as it sounds.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Easy life and aqualibrium at minimum dose levels also plant food - plantamin
Tank inhabitants:
1 yoyo loach
4 zebra danios (there were 5)
5 jullii cories
4 neon tetras (4 died when I moved the tank to my parents house and I don't want to add more fish until I move it back again)
8 black phantom tetras
A couple of amazon swords which are not doing very well since I moved the tank to my parents place
Several other plants which I cant identify which are all growing very well
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
4 phantom tetras added about 3 months ago - nothing since then
Exposure to chemicals:
None I am aware of
Digital photo (include if possible):
Can't get a file small enough to upload.
6 months ago one of my zebra danios lost an eye - there was no indication of infection or other physical damage, it just wasn't there anymore. The danio was absolutely fine with 1 eye until this morning when the remaining eye was hugely swollen, popping out of his head, and bright bright red. I don;t know fi this was the right thing to do, but I was so worried about him ending up blind that I euthanased him this morning with ice water.
I'm worried though that it might be something in the water that could affect the other fish or something I may have done to injure him when I cleaned the tank yesterday (he was fine before I cleaned the tank, and seemed fine after I finished it was only this morning I noticed the eye).
My question is - should I treat the tank for something now to stop the other fish getting the same problem?
Thank you.
Tank size: 4feet long, 18 inches high, 1 foot deep
kH:240 - the water is always this hard
gH:180 - the water is always this hard
tank temp:26 degrees C (a little high for danios I know - but they have been quite happy in there for over a year)
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
The now dead fish had already lost one eye (but been fine for 6 months) and this morning the other eye was really massively swollen and bright bright red. He was also hiding a lot and wasn't swimming with the others as normal.
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
The tank at the moment is being looked after by parents while I move house so water changes are not regular they are only when I can back here to do it. Last change was 3 weeks ago about 50% and then yesterday 50%. But the tank is way under capacity for fish stocking and has 2 filters running, so although its not ideal its not as bad as it sounds.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Easy life and aqualibrium at minimum dose levels also plant food - plantamin
Tank inhabitants:
1 yoyo loach
4 zebra danios (there were 5)
5 jullii cories
4 neon tetras (4 died when I moved the tank to my parents house and I don't want to add more fish until I move it back again)
8 black phantom tetras
A couple of amazon swords which are not doing very well since I moved the tank to my parents place
Several other plants which I cant identify which are all growing very well
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
4 phantom tetras added about 3 months ago - nothing since then
Exposure to chemicals:
None I am aware of
Digital photo (include if possible):
Can't get a file small enough to upload.