Cycling A Betta Tank?


Mostly New Member
Sep 5, 2014
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This might sound like a stupid question, but I don't know the answer. So I guess I am a stupid guy. Every pet store has Bettas in small jars with nothing else in them and I was wondering if you have to cycle their tanks since I am sure that the pet stores don't. 
First of all, you are not stupid! :)
The little cups stores put bettas in are to allow more room for more bettas, which in turn allows more money. 
Here is a fancy link:
Bettas, like any other fish, need a heated, cycled, filtered tank larger than 5 gallons. The myth of bettas in a bowl in the equivalent of putting a horse in a bathroom.
Not good.
Thank you so much for that very informative response.
I figure I'll just throw my two cents in as well. In my experience, bettas do not need a cycled tank to live. I've had many bettas live for 3 years in the small betta "tanks" with weekly water changes...that being said, I don't recommend it. Once I began to "upgrade" my bettas into larger and larger tanks I realized something, they love the space! My current betta, a small female named Rainbow, lives in a cycled 10 gallon tank with my two African Dwarf Frogs, she has got to be the most active betta I have ever seen and she seems very happy in her home.
Also, it's not a stupid question, hope this helps
Horse in a bathroom...that actually cracked me up! Good analogy.
starlitsunrise said:
I figure I'll just throw my two cents in as well. In my experience, bettas do not need a cycled tank to live. I've had many bettas live for 3 years in the small betta "tanks" with weekly water changes...that being said, I don't recommend it. Once I began to "upgrade" my bettas into larger and larger tanks I realized something, they love the space! My current betta, a small female named Rainbow, lives in a cycled 10 gallon tank with my two African Dwarf Frogs, she has got to be the most active betta I have ever seen and she seems very happy in her home.
Also, it's not a stupid question, hope this helps
 I couldn't of said it better myself - I agree 100%, this has been my experience also. 

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