current recommended antibiotic for cyanobacteria??

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No, don't ever get CAEs. They are evil, nasty, aggressive little jerks. And worthless as algae eaters too, once they grow up. I have no idea why they're so popular.

For a 100 gallon, you could easily get 10 of them or more (depending on your other stocking, of course). Adora, I don't know a minimum group, but they are endearingly social when young, becoming less so as they grow up. Five or six, minimum?
@AdoraBelle Dearheart Here's my favorite panda garra video. Such a weird coincidence that "I'd Leave It All" was playing...

Wow! I had no idea they'd go above the waterline like that! Not that I know anything about garras. Looked like he was using the filter output flow to breathe - super cool!
Would like to see the rest of that tank too, the stuff above the waterline! Looks as though it would be really nice. The garras are so cute!
@AdoraBelle Dearheart Here's my favorite panda garra video. Such a weird coincidence that "I'd Leave It All" was playing...

I went to your channel after watching the video, hoping to find the video I mentioned earlier that I loved - hope you don't mind! Found it, it was this one! @Alice B might like to see it since it has much bigger panda garras in there, and @Wills has been looking into rainbow fish recently, so think he might like it too!
I also spotted horsey's when I went to the main video bit, and had to click! You were playing a Scottish Lament, and it was absolutely beautiful! Really lulled me into a trance and calmed me down after a stressful evening, so thank you! Are they your horses? They're beautiful. The video also told me to subscribe, so I did :)
Wow! I had no idea they'd go above the waterline like that! Not that I know anything about garras. Looked like he was using the filter output flow to breathe - super cool!
Would like to see the rest of that tank too, the stuff above the waterline! Looks as though it would be really nice. The garras are so cute!
I was actually refilling after a huge water change, and they were trying to escape through the inflow of the siphon. :) They live in intermittent streams in the wild, and these were fresh from Myanmar when I took the video. They probably thought they were just climbing out of this pool into the next. So fun.
@WhistlingBadger before I get all excited about Panda Garras can they live on gravel? It's not real sharp gravel, but I don't have sand in my tanks, I have undergravel filters. I've done ok with Bronze (and several other) corydoras in the 100 gallon I need to put them in. I have finally lost the last cory but they went in as adults in 2014 so I think we had a pretty good run
I thought it was ammonia nitrate that was the bomb? 2. Erythromycin is the best cyano killer..up to you to decide if you will use it. 3. Its said Mollies will eat BGA. The American Flagfish I think..not sure,also eats hair algae too.
Also,the Hydrogen Peroxide might have killed the Bristle Nose. Its a slow killer.
The peroxide went in after the pleco was out, and the female pleco was still in and she is fine, I moved her to another tank after the peroxide and after she kept trying to find red cyano to eat. So no, antibiotics and my hospital tank in the garage where it is kind of warm might have killed him, but not peroxide.

I went to LFS today and he didn't have any panda garras, said 2 weeks, so probably I will be getting a gang of garras. I got some more julii cories today. Going to properly set up the sand tank for them. That LFS does a pretty good quarantine and all I have at risk are 2 little juliis,

Only the one moonlight, and he or she is at least 6 years old, but they are SO pretty. In 100 gallons, not too many plants to murder... not my tank, one I take care of.
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I have two Garras and they dont do a thing to Cyano thats visible.

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