Thanks and no offense taken! Constructive criticism is the only way we learn!
Lighting: Yeh it is bright, I like the lights itself, but I'm going to replace more whites with blues. The Acutirostres and Weeksi, amazing, seem to have no problem with activity with the light on. However the Ansorgii, who naturally hides a lot anyway, and the fasciolatum do have a problem with it.
Plants: All live, although I'm a
HORRIBLE aquascaper/plant keeper. I just spent most of my money getting the fish, so friday I'm getting hornwort to float on top, probably a few more Val. and is there anything else you suggest on plants that they would like?
Tankmates: The glass cats are Bicirris(spelling?). I almost did get the minors, but the LFS gave me decent advice for once
My biggest problem is space. I have a 30 gallon I REALLY want to get re-set up and get 3-4 ansorgii and move the fasciolatum in as well and let them have their own tank. Also then up the numbers on the Acutirostre.
Again thanks for all the help! I know you're only trying to help me become a better fishkeeper, and make my fish healthier!
Would love to see some pics of your group