Crust Issue


New Member
Jan 14, 2011
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So Im not even sure what to called it exactly but im sure a lot of us have seen it. There is a whitish colored crust that grows on my fish tank. I was wondering if anyone knew any remedies for it in order to get rid of it. Or if that isnt possible then how to reduce it. If someone could enlighten me. I constantly clean it and it just keeps regrowing.
can you post a picture of this "white spot" so we can help you further
I know what you are talking about. I think it is from salt or minerals, but I'm not positive. I just wipe it off with a wet paper towel every now and then.
You can reduce it by closing up holes or gaps as tight as you can. I get it around the hinge of my lid and around the holes cut for my filter, heater, hoses, etc. in the plastic on the back of the lid.
I think I know what you are talking about, it comes from hard water. We have pretty hard water where I live, and we get that on everything that uses tap water- dishwasher, clothes washer, the faucet, old aquarium stuff, etc.... I have no idea how to get it off...
The best and safest thing for cleaning off mineral build ups in and around the tank is white vinegar. Just remove the piece you need to clean and use white vinegar and a rag, should do the trick, may have to soak it for best results though.
Below is the attached file of the picture that I took of the lid with the whitish buildup. I does grow on the light, on top on the outside, and also on and around my filter. 


  • IMG_2292.JPG
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Yes those are mineral deposite from water.  water droplets can be created by the filter spray bard or bubbles from air stones.  You can prevent this spray from reaching the lamp by putting a transparent plastic cover over the aquarium
Yep, mineral deposits or limescale from hard water.  You may also get a line of it around the top of the tank where the water line sits, all I do is use a scourer and a bit of tank water every time I do a water change to rub it off the glass.  I don't tend to get it anywhere else.  Don't use a scourer if it's acrylic though as you will scratch it.

The best way to prevent build up is to remove and clean at water change time.
Is it that gooey like, but not really goo white stuff that grows on the filter?
Because my betta tank always has that stuff, It hasn't grown back since I wiped it off, it's pretty gross, though. But I don't believe it's a cause for alarm. 
Thank you all for your help and advice. I will try closing all openings and gaps and I will also try cleaning it with white vinegar as well. But no it isnt gooey, it is hard. Thank you guys once again.

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