If you let them be the male will try to mate. IF the particular combination that you have are closely enough related they will drop fry. All commercial swordtails and platies are crosses between the two types. Most commonly the swordtail involved in the cross was a Xiphophorus helleri and the platy involved was likely a Xiphophorus maculatus or Xiphophorus variatus. Since the cross happened many dozens of generations back, the lines of swordtails and platies that you have may or may not be closely related genetically. The crosses of pure swordtails and platies, the wild type, can be difficult to achieve and sometimes require artificial insemination depending on which particular species you are crossing, but often a swordtail and a platy from the pet shop can cross with no help from you at all.
If you leave the 7 tetras in with your swords and platies, you may never know if they bred successfully. In general, tetras are good fry hunters.