Crooked Spine Now What

love cichlids

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
I just noticed when looking at my imbellis betta that it has a crooked spine should i bring him back. I seen a difference before I bought him but did not realize it was that bad.
HELLO ANYONE HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY. Only have a few days to decide if I am returning him or not.
This is a slow moving forum.. I have waited an entire day for a response before, but I have never made a thread that went unanswered. Just be patient.

Unless you are planning on breeding him, I would keep him, but I'm a sucker for the sickly fish that no one else want. :wub:
It's probably not going to be a serious threat to his health in the future, so like flautist said, unless you're planning to breed I'd keep him
Good, thought it would cause him problems in the future. Darn fish uprooted the live plant in there. I will leave that one floating and try to put another in the back of the tank. He is now sleeping where the plant is floating, I guess that is where he wants the plant to be :lol: .

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