Couple Questions


New Member
Apr 18, 2012
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So I have a 26 gallon that I have been cycling for 5 weeks with a filter from my established 10 gallon. My ammonia is sitting around .25 ppm, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 20ppm. Ph is 7.6. Is it normal to see some ammonia, no nitrite and that much nitrate?
So I have a 26 gallon that I have been cycling for 5 weeks with a filter from my established 10 gallon. My ammonia is sitting around .25 ppm, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 20ppm. Ph is 7.6. Is it normal to see some ammonia, no nitrite and that much nitrate?

Yep...a sure sign that your cycle is working as it should is constant NitrAtes showing. When you say you've been cycling it with a matured filter, in what way exactly?

The mature filter is in with the new filter. I also grabbed a handful of substrate from the mature tank and placed in the new one. I just have never seen my nitrIte move at all. It has never been higher then 0ppm. Everything else in my opinion looks good.
Yes there are 4 serpae tetras in there from my in-laws tank because they got fish happy and over stocked their tank. I don't have room in my 10g or they would have gone in there.
Well that's what I don't under stand. I didn't put fish in there for the first 4 weeks. The ammonia got to .50 ppm then backed down to .25 and that's where it has stayed ever since. Even after adding fish for the last week and 1/2 it hasn't moved at all.
Well that's what I don't under stand. I didn't put fish in there for the first 4 weeks. The ammonia got to .50 ppm then backed down to .25 and that's where it has stayed ever since. Even after adding fish for the last week and 1/2 it hasn't moved at all.

So you are saying that you have an Ammonia level of 0.25ppm in an aquarium that is home to fish? Do a massive water change asap, you are quite simply killing your fish by keeping them in a toxic enviroment.

Your filter IS eating the Ammonia, that is why it is not rising above 0.25ppm. It just isnt eating enough yet. A massive water change will sort that out.


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