.... add more corys and ottos to my existing tank?
Currently I have a 65 US G planted with sand tank running an Eheim 600 Classic external filter
8 pearl danios
6 glowlight tetra
1 sae
5 juvie gymogeophagus australis
2 nerite snails
6 mts
3 bronze corys
2 ottos
As far as I can tell I am pretty much at full stocking capacity but since changing my filtration to the eheim Im now wondering whether I could increase my corys/ottos as I know they will be much happier in bigger groups. I would be happy to rehome the tetras but don't fancy scooping them out with the plants... could get a bit messy which makes me think I should just leave them in there.
What would you do?
..Oh and I have 2 bn plecs!
Currently I have a 65 US G planted with sand tank running an Eheim 600 Classic external filter
8 pearl danios
6 glowlight tetra
1 sae
5 juvie gymogeophagus australis
2 nerite snails
6 mts
3 bronze corys
2 ottos
As far as I can tell I am pretty much at full stocking capacity but since changing my filtration to the eheim Im now wondering whether I could increase my corys/ottos as I know they will be much happier in bigger groups. I would be happy to rehome the tetras but don't fancy scooping them out with the plants... could get a bit messy which makes me think I should just leave them in there.
What would you do?
..Oh and I have 2 bn plecs!