Corydoras Losing Barbells Dying Due To Sand ?


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2013
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I've noticed on several forums that when Corydoras losing there barbells or even are dying because of this, often a specific kind of sand is used in the tank : JBL Sansibar Black (and White). To my knowledge this sand appeared on the market in 2012 and I've got a suspecion there is something wrong with it though not using it myself. In the USA there is something like it (Tahitian Black Moon Sand I believe) giving some problems likewise.

That's why I'd like to ask for experiences of users of this sand keeping Corydoras (or other bottomdwellers) on it. On the Dutch forum someone reacted to my thread telling her Goldfish got irritated gills by it and decided nog to use it anymore for that reason.

Reactions appriciated in advance.

Greetings from Holland,
Yikes. The large cory tank I have is on a substrate of play sand, black petco sand and a bag of tahitian mixed in. I'll keep an eye on their barbells.

Man, what a chore changing the substrate would be! I hope it'll be okay.
Hope I am wrong. Most threads are about the JBL-sand though (and not mixed I think).
Black Beauty sand in the states is slag sand made for sand blasting. Years ago I picked up a 100 lb bag for a few dollars. It was the fine grade. I found the sand to be so "sharp" it got dumped into the woods and was never put into a tank.
Never had any experience with this sand, as I used play sand in my main tank. When I set up my 10g tank for all my cory fry :wub: I wanted black sand but was very wary. After asking around and getting recommendations, I went with Petco's black sand. I am very happy with it so far, it is not sharp at all, in fact it's much thicker than my play sand.  Just in case anyone wanted to hear of any successful black sand experience :)
i use play sand too.  It settles quickly and i've not had a problem yet.  
It settles extremely fast!!! So much so that I have to move sand back to the top of my hill once a week....
Thanks all !!! Happy to hear a lot of positive news!!!

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