Corydoras And Discus


New Member
Apr 18, 2012
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Are there any other Corydoras other than Sterbai's you can use in a Discus Tank at higher tempatures ?
Sorry to necro this but.I've seen albinos and peppered in a tank with discus along with zebra plecs and royal plecs.
Not sure.if this helps any but they were all active and didn't seem to mind the extra heat.
No ,theres no other standard cory (usual temp 22-25 degrees celsius) that can handle temperatures around 30 degrees , they may look fine, but it'll soon stress them out staying at this temperature and will shorten their lifespan...
Now I don' an expert only having got my first corys like yesterday but the ones I've seen as mentioned above have been there some time now and they don't appear stressed but I don't doubt that it will shorten their life span as it can't be good for them

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