Corydora Has A Bright Red Lump On Head


Mostly New Member
Jan 14, 2016
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Im having a problem with my leopard corydora. I went to the tank to feed the fish and I saw this bright red blood blister looking thing growing on her head. She is still really active, swimming and eating with the other two corydoras I currently have (I was hoping to get two or three more), but Ive seperated her until I can find out exactly what is wrong with her. Im not sure on what my water parameters are, but all my other fish are happy (5 adult platies and 10 fry, along with the 2 other corydoras).they are all housed in a 3ft by 1 and a half foor tank at the moment.I would post photos but im not sure how to. Thank you in advance for anyone who can give me and answer.
I definitely know that it is red blotch disease though.
I've moved this to the Emergencies section.
Im not sure how to do it..

Ill give it a go now


And i made a typo its definately NOT red blotch disease based on what i read so far

I got it to finally work with me


I put a wafer in earlier tonight and she ate the whole thing in less than 15mins, so at least thats a good sign so far. I just want to know what this is before I put her back in the main tank again or in case there is treatment needed for it. 
She looks healthy enough, possible she swam into something sharp? although it looks more like a growth than a wound.
Thats what I was thinking. I'm wondering whether it may be a tumor of some sorts, but then on the note of a wound, it may be infected, but for me an infection would mean a fungal growth or general reddening around the effected area, like a bacterial infection. She was fine yesterday and I didn't really notice anything today, until I went to the tank tonight.

Ive never seen anything like this on any of my fish before and I couldn't find anything anywhere on the internet about it either.. it's got me really baffled


Here's a picture from the front
Anyone else think this could be Hexamita?  Or is it too red?
She is still doing fine swimming around actively and eating this morning. So I don't thing it's really affecting her "normal behaviours" too much. But I would still love to try and figure out what it might be
One of my Sterbai cories must have swum into a sharp bit on the wood I have in my tank. It had a huge hole in its forehead. I though't I'd lose it for sure, but it recovered 100%. I hope yours does too. Somehow it's worse when cories get sick as they just seem like innocent, bumbling little fish.


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Yeah I have my fingers crossed. Since I separated her, it looks like the lump has kind of shrunken a bit. I put some pimafix and melafix in with a small amount of aquarium salt last night and then put a bit more pimafix and melafix in today and it seems to be working ( I hope). 

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