Cory Fry . . Updated

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Fish Gatherer
Oct 10, 2011
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I noticed my sanchesi going nuts in the tank last night, the Oto's were also whizzing around.
This morning I noticed 2 groups of eggs on the back corner of the tank.
I can't get a pic as I can't get to that part of the tank.
I'm assuming they're cory eggs. I can see tiny black dots in them, so hopefully they're fertile.
I have 2 questions, will the parents or shrimp eat the eggs or any fry that might hatch?
& If not is it best to leave them where they are, there are only the corys, Oto's & shrimp in that tank
hi Cazgar ... congrats on the eggs :)

Just wanted to say my cories don't eat my platy fry and the oto's don't have the capacity to eat them - no idea on the shrimp though as I know nothing about them - other than they are also algae eaters ???

I read somewhere that cories will only eat their young if they are hungry so if they're well fed they should be okay (provided the shrimps leave them be aswell)

Sorry I can't be more help than that. Hope you get some baby cories :)
I've been checking on them on & off all day & not seen a shrimp anywhere near them.
So far so good, do hope they hatch & some fry survive.
Wish I had a camera, but only have my iPad & the quality of the pics on that is not good, especially where the tanks situated.
Apologies for the worst photo ever, you can just about see the eggs behind the sponge filter

I've seen one tiny fry tonight, hope there are more
Congrats :good:

Are they in the same tank has the adults?? if so unless they hide they may get munched... :unsure:
Yes they're in with the adults, there's only the corys & Oto's in the tank so hopefully they'll be ok.
I haven't got a spare filtered tank to put them in
I hope the adults don't find them!
Managed to get a short vid, if you look carefully by the base of the rock you'll see it, blink & you'll miss it
Oh my goodness, came down this morning & there are more eggs.
They're in the same place as the other ones were.
Could it be the same female or just a coincidence?
more?! Well done you :)

I've no idea if it could be the same female but if it helps I have a female bronze that keeps going to the exact same leaf and wriggling around on it. She's not layed any eggs on it yet but when she does I have a feeling that she's gonna go back to the same place everytime. She just seems to like that corner of the tank. Not sure if that helps you any but I thought I'd pass it on.

Good luck with the fry and the new eggs :)
Thanks Akasha.
The first 3 that hatched seem to be doing ok so far, whizzing round the tank, the new ones should be hatching soon.
I can't stop going to have a look!
fantastic :D

I found two eggs on Wednesday. I found them covered in fur this morning so I've chucked em out ... better luck for me next time :)
That's a shame, hope you get some to hatch soon.
I have noticed my shrimp cleaning the new eggs, maybe that's helped

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