New Member
Hi All, I bought a 240l aquarium in Feb last year and all has been going well up to last week. I'm concerned that I've lost 2 false julii cory in the space of a week, so I was wondering if anyone could help me pin down the problem?
The first one was floating upside down at the surface with rapid gill movement on Friday and was dead Saturday morning. This was a cory I bought in March last year. The second I found last night floating on it's side, also with rapid gill movement, it died an hour or so later and I think it was one I bought in November.
After I found the first cory I tested the water... Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 20ppm and I did a large water change. The tests (API liquid kit) haven't indicated any ammonia or nitrites since I set-up the tank.
Changes to the aquarium...
In November the platys were breeding out of control and always hid in the plants at the back so I decided to take them to the petshop and get more cory, neon tetras and harlequin rasbora. Before I got the new fish, I changed the aquarium from 60% sand / 40% gravel to 100% sand and bought a load of 'dragon rock' to replace some bog wood. I then got the new stock and everything seemed fine.
In December I changed my declor from API Stress Coat + to Seachem Prime and put some Purigen in one of the filters. The Purigen hasn't been 'regenerated'.
At Christmas my 3 year old nephew bought me a treasure chest air thing. He was really excited so I had to put it in.
The Cory are fed Hikari sinking wafers and frozen bloodworm now and again. The rest are fed Nutrafin Max Tropical flake and frozen bloodworm, although the neons also eat the corys sinking wafers.
I've tried to give as much info as possible without writing an essay, so if you need more info please let me know.
The first one was floating upside down at the surface with rapid gill movement on Friday and was dead Saturday morning. This was a cory I bought in March last year. The second I found last night floating on it's side, also with rapid gill movement, it died an hour or so later and I think it was one I bought in November.
After I found the first cory I tested the water... Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 20ppm and I did a large water change. The tests (API liquid kit) haven't indicated any ammonia or nitrites since I set-up the tank.
Changes to the aquarium...
In November the platys were breeding out of control and always hid in the plants at the back so I decided to take them to the petshop and get more cory, neon tetras and harlequin rasbora. Before I got the new fish, I changed the aquarium from 60% sand / 40% gravel to 100% sand and bought a load of 'dragon rock' to replace some bog wood. I then got the new stock and everything seemed fine.
In December I changed my declor from API Stress Coat + to Seachem Prime and put some Purigen in one of the filters. The Purigen hasn't been 'regenerated'.
At Christmas my 3 year old nephew bought me a treasure chest air thing. He was really excited so I had to put it in.
The Cory are fed Hikari sinking wafers and frozen bloodworm now and again. The rest are fed Nutrafin Max Tropical flake and frozen bloodworm, although the neons also eat the corys sinking wafers.
I've tried to give as much info as possible without writing an essay, so if you need more info please let me know.