Correct Lighting & Ro Water?


New Member
Dec 2, 2008
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Hi All,

Hopefully 2 very simple questions (sums me up :) ) - I have a well established planted 64l tank that has a light at either end of the tank. One is a Cool Blue Moon and the other is a Community Daylight. I'm thinking of changing the Cool Blue Moon light to a Community Daylight as the blue light drains all the colour out of the fish when they are swimming at that end of the tank. I have the lights on for 1 hour in the morning and 4 hours in the evening.
Is there any reason why I should not make this switch?

I had an ongoing problem with Platty deaths, which I have now discovered is probably down to the fact that I have been using RO water (the tap water here is not good). However, if I now start using RO with added minerals to help my Plattys, will this adversely affect my Ram's?


Tetras, Rams, Plattys, Harlequins and Ottocinclus.
If you've been using RO with no minerals then, in theory, all of your fish will be happier with some minerals added. The platys would be more upset about this than the rams but even the rams wouldn't live in pure RO.

If you do start adding minerals then make the change slowly. Small regular water changes should stop any major shocks.

I can't think of any reason why you shouldn't change the light.
No reason not to change the light. Fish aren't bothered by lights, they're more for the benefits of the plants if you have any.

Can I ask whats wrong with your tap water? Its very rare for there to be anything in tap water that a mature tank of fish cant handle.

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