Hey folks,
So I purchased some rummy nose tetras from a local fish store. They are the exclusive seller of rummy nose tetras here, as far as I know. I have been returning to to their store week after week, holding off on purchasing their rummy noses simply because every time I go, I see Ich. All their freshwater tanks are connected to a single filter. UGH!
After seeing no improvement for a month (I told them everytime, "Guys, I see Ich.") I decided to take matters into my own hands in terms of the Ich. I bought three rummy noses (the school they're joining is in my main tank) four days ago, popped them into a quarantine tank, and did a full dose of Mardel's CopperSafe. They don't seem stressed from the copper at all, but I've seen little to no improvement on the Ich. On the plus side, the Ich hasn't gotten worse; I have not witnessed any "outbreak" yet. My temperature ranges from 78-80 degrees throughout the day.
Has anyone had experience with any kind of copper treatment?
For any bio-wizards, the active ingredient in Mardel's CopperSafe is chelated copper. Do you think this would have any effect on the fishies' hemocyanin?
Thanks for any help!
So I purchased some rummy nose tetras from a local fish store. They are the exclusive seller of rummy nose tetras here, as far as I know. I have been returning to to their store week after week, holding off on purchasing their rummy noses simply because every time I go, I see Ich. All their freshwater tanks are connected to a single filter. UGH!
After seeing no improvement for a month (I told them everytime, "Guys, I see Ich.") I decided to take matters into my own hands in terms of the Ich. I bought three rummy noses (the school they're joining is in my main tank) four days ago, popped them into a quarantine tank, and did a full dose of Mardel's CopperSafe. They don't seem stressed from the copper at all, but I've seen little to no improvement on the Ich. On the plus side, the Ich hasn't gotten worse; I have not witnessed any "outbreak" yet. My temperature ranges from 78-80 degrees throughout the day.
Has anyone had experience with any kind of copper treatment?
For any bio-wizards, the active ingredient in Mardel's CopperSafe is chelated copper. Do you think this would have any effect on the fishies' hemocyanin?
Thanks for any help!