Cool Cleanup Crew?

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Mostly New Member
Sep 7, 2013
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Hi I am looking for some cool fish that are good for clean up crew. I have a 20 gallon tank with one gourami and 3 zebra danios. I really want cory catfish but I don't think I can get them because my gravel is not smooth, i think? Post some pictures on this if u can on here of your gravel and tell me if it is smooth or if it is not so I can get a better understanding at where mine is at and give my ideas of other cool clean up crew fish please. Thanks.
What about some cool snails?
Nerites are pretty popular and come in a variety of shell types/colors.
I also know you didn't ask for advice on your stocking but zebra danios should be kept in groups of 6+, and prefer a totally different temp than what your gourami does.
Cories also need to be in groups of 6+, and need to be fed their own food, not just leftovers they find in the tank. The snails would also benefit from another source of food apart from leftovers, such as algae wafers.
I have gravel in my tank and corys seem to be doing fine---just had them for about 2 weeks.   About ten yearsl years ago I also had corys on similar gravel for years and they managed fine.  They pick around the gravel hunting for food.  I drop a couple of algae wafers in the tank daily and also feed  flake and mini pellets and am sure to put some into the HOB filter overflow so some gets sent to the bottom of the tank where the corys, pleco and bolivian rams often feed.
the gravel I used:

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