Controlling Nuisance Species In A Nano Reef


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
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There are many nuisance species that can thrive in a reef tank. Some examples are cyanobacteria, diatoms, bubble algae, hair algae, aptasia, etc. The best way to prevent an out break of aipany of these is a well rounded clean up crew. Some good members are nerite snails, nassarius vibex, and assorted hermit crabs. Many fish also help to prevent outbreaks. File fish are great fish to get rid of aiptasia. Many tangs will graze on many types of algae. The first line of defense against these species is diligent cleaning and god water quality.
Your title is specific to nano tanks, a term which is usually taken to mean 20 gal and under, sometimes 30gal and under. CUC are indeed are the primary means of algae control in a nano. Tangs, however, do not belong in a nano tank, and being in too small a space will stress them quite a lot. Quite a few filefish species also grow too large for a nano and not all species are known to eat Aiptasia. 

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