Considering Getting Gouramis


Apr 11, 2013
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I'm considering getting some gouramis again.  I had 3 pearls a few years back.  What type is easiest to breed?  (Not that I'd raise the fry, I just like to watch the whole bubble nest thing.)  I'd like to get 2-3 females and one male of a type for my one 10 gallon.  It would just be them, possible a cory cat or 2.  Your thoughts?
Firstly, great choice in going for the gourami - fantastic fish!
Most gourami are the same when it comes to breeding - it all depends on the male. You have to have a dominant male in order for breeding to occur. The best way to get them to breed, is to seperate the male in his own section of the tank, or a completely different tank, making sure he can't see the females. Then condition him and the female up with as many live/frozen foods as possible - get them nice and fat. Once happy, the male will begin to build his bubblenest - once complete transfer the female over, leaving her in a bag for an hour or two - during this time keep an eye on how they both react to one another - if the female looks like she wants to rip her man to shreds, she will probably end up destroying the nest before any mating can occur.
Most of the time, things should go as planned - the hardest part is convincing the male to make the nest, once you've got this bit sorted, usually females will have no problem with offering their eggs.
Remember, once the mating has finished, return the female to the main tank so she can have a rest. The male will continue to look after the eggs and will do everything he can to ensure they remain as fry.
If you are going to raise them, remember to get some tiny fry foods - baby brine shrimp...etc
Good luck mate!
So could I just get the prettiest male in the petshop and a few of the healthiest females?  I don't feel like going through a lot of fish looking for a dominant male.  Is there a way to find one in a tank of numerous gouramis?
I'd probably just keep them in the tank together, as I did my previous gouramis.  The other tank is a cory breeding tank and they would eat the cory eggs. 
Also, don't one spot and blues get pretty big?  I'm thinking maybe honey or dwarf would fit best in my tank size.  
Well in all honesty, a 10 gallon isn't big enough for one dwarf gourami - let alone a group of 3 or 4. I would suggest upgrading the tank before looking into buying bigger fish.
I know, I hear that everywhere about all sorts of fish.  Sadly, I've begged and even offered to pay for a 30 gallon but mom and dad say 2 10s are enough.  So I'm just going to have gouramis and corys anyway!  I keep things very clean and change water often.
So if I got 3 or 4 DG would they have the chance of getting Dwarf Gourami Disease?  Should I go with Honeys or something?
Very contagious disease. If you want DG that badly, try searching for a local breeder. Plus in 2 10g's you would probably just want one per tank. Females can be difficult to find.
Honeys are sweet, sparkling/croaking/pygmy gourami you could have a few in there without any risk of aggression.
The local pet shop up town has 2 males and 2 females available right now (DG).  (It's a small town, if that helps.  They get all their fish from one breeder.)  I don't think they hardly ever have honeys.
I had 3 pearls in a 10 gallon fine.  They spawned for me all the time too.   
You kept 3 pearls in a 10 gallon?! Those poor fish.
 Pearls need at least a 90cm width tank to thrive, as they breathe air from the surface of the water, they require a larger surface to breathe from.
A 10 gallon is just too small.
Well, that's life.  I'm not going to just keep teras and other small boring fish.  
You shouldn't keep fish at all with a mentality like that.
But hey, I'm not going to argue with you, I can see it would be wasted on you. Good luck.
Just wondering, how did your gouramis do.. i have a feeling they didnt reach their full life span.
I am sorry, I am not a mod, so I do not have to be polite here. But you have no business keeping fish with that attitude DiddleBug.
Your are asking people to endorse your plan. You are asking us to help you cause harm suffering and death to fish. I am sorry but most folks simply will not do this.
We may not be able to prevent you from torturing animals, but I for one will not help you to do this and sure as heck will try to make you feel guilty for even wanting to do so.
DiddleBug said:
Well, that's life.  I'm not going to just keep teras and other small boring fish.
What a racist thing to say!

As stated, a 10 gallon is too small for any gouramis other than the ones listed by dreamertk.
Your attitude makes me wanna puke. :angry:

Kids these days... :p
sigh....what can I say but I'm sorry?  This site isn't just for experts..sometimes people write on here for help and advice. How was I supposed to know? :/  
DiddleBug said:
sigh....what can I say but I'm sorry?  This site isn't just for experts..sometimes people write on here for help and advice. How was I supposed to know? :/
Nothing, the apology satisfies me as long as you know better now. :)

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