Considering An External Filter


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2012
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I currently have the Fluval 4 internal filter running in my 200l tank....

Would there be any benefit (apart from space) in changing to a Hagen Fluval 305 External Canister ?
go for a tetratec EX1200... cant fault them... and they are amazing filters... you will never want to go back to fluval again
I guess there are a couple of advantages...
As you have mentioned, your possible size for media would be greatly increased, possibly 2/3 fold if you get the right size external.
More space in your tank.
Possible increased surface flow.

Obviously, an external cannister filters take up space underneath in our cabinets, but if you have the room, cash and time to set it up then i would thoroughly recommend one, especially in a tank of your size.

I use the Fluval 205, a filter of the same size and output at the 305 or maybe even the 405 would suit your tank.

External filters are also much easier to clean and look after! I have a tetratec EX1200 not in use - i have been planning on selling it. It is also full of siporax, the best media there is! If your interested PM me :)
What are the pro /cons between the Fluval (305/405) and tetratec EX1200 ??
External filters are also much easier to clean and look after! I have a tetratec EX1200 not in use - i have been planning on selling it. It is also full of siporax, the best media there is! If your interested PM me :)

PM'd :)
What are the pro /cons between the Fluval (305/405) and tetratec EX1200 ??

I believe it comes down to personal opinion, Fluval owners will say Fluval and Tetratec will say Tetrates. Although i have read the main comparisons would be the quietness of the Fluval yet the easier approach and maintenence of the Tetratec. I wouldn't have thought the price would be that great between the two either.

Right, here goes. ;)

The 1200 is a lot bigger than the 305/6 which means it can hold more media. The supplied media is far more than fluvals stingy effort. It is so much better made than the fluvals, its very quiet, the flow rate is excellent, they come with a 3yr guarentee, their customer service department is immense and you can tell the quality when you see it.

I have a 305 and it is very noisy. The flow is good though and it fits in the cupboard at the side of the 1200 excellently due to it being oblong shaped. The head and clips never seem to make a very good connection although it has never leaked. The media inside was poor, it could have easily have been doubled from the manufacturers.

To quote standbysetting, comparing fluval to tetratec is like comparing aids to the common cold.

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