Concerns about pleco


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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Do I need to be concerned about my BN Pleco feeding on dead fish? I noticed a diamond tetra was missing today and found it half eaten in the pleco's cave. It very rarely happens (the tank is stable, all levels are good), but I know he'll be the first one to find a corpse.
It is a concern if the dead fish died because of an illness. The pleco could very well end up eating some sort of parasite pr bacteria that killed the other fish and then he might end up keeling over in the future.
Yeah, that's exactly why I double checked to make sure that the diamond didn't have parasites. The other fish in the tank look healthy. The tetra that died was one that we got fully grown from a different store than the others, so I'm presuming it was natural causes.
I'll keep an eye on the plec.
Edit: Forgot a part

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