Complete the lineup


New Member
May 5, 2004
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I have a 20 (US)G long. It currently homes 3 platy, 3 bronze cory and 5 glowlight tetras. It's planted (but not healvily planted). I think I should be ok to add something else?

The tank is peaceful at the moment and I'd like it to stay that way. :) Any suggestions?

I was thinking about a bristlenose plec - mainly because I've still got problems with brown algae (tanks been running for 4 months) but I'm not sure. Otos have been recommended but I can't seem to get them. :(
bristlenose would be good or the rubberlip pleco. Most plecos of the genus Peckoltia and Ancistrus get to about 4" and would be perfect.
well it seems like you have narrowed it down quite a bit. You have algae and want something that will remove it, or at least thats how i read your post. You want either the oto or bristlenose and you cant find the otos. SO............... :rolleyes: enjoy your bristlenose. :p
tstenback said:
well it seems like you have narrowed it down quite a bit. You have algae and want something that will remove it, or at least thats how i read your post. You want either the oto or bristlenose and you cant find the otos. SO............... :rolleyes: enjoy your bristlenose. :p
Thanks. :p

Ideally I'd like something to remove the algae but would like some other suggestions in case I decide that plecs are ugly. :unsure:
sam said:
Ideally I'd like something to remove the algae but would like some other suggestions in case I decide that plecs are ugly. :unsure:
I thought you might, but i couldnt resist. I thought if you were looking for something as a main focal point that a pair of dwarf gouramis might be nice in that size tank. HTH :)
Hi sam :)

I wouldn't add very many more, or anything that will get more than an inch or two, because your platties will be having fry and, with what you have in there now, the parents will be the only ones likely to eat them. Some will surely survive to fill out your tank.

On the other hand, 5 are not many glowlights, so you might consider adding a few more. The more of them you have, the more attractive the school becomes. :D

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