Fish Crazy
Hi to all members.
I decided to buy our kids a fish tank. We have bought a 95l tank with a starter kit.
I've rinsed the gravel well bought a few decks and washed well. Filled the tank to the recommended level. I've let the heater adjust before turning it on along with out filter and light. Everything has been working great. I've added a de-chlorinator and a bacteria solution to the water. I have added the bacteria for the first three days as recommended on the bottle. On the third day the water has gone slightly cloudy. After reading this forum and TTF, it looks like its a bacterial bloom which I guess is good for a new tank with no fish. Is this correct?
Also do I need to keep adding the bacterial solution EVERY day?
I decided to buy our kids a fish tank. We have bought a 95l tank with a starter kit.
I've rinsed the gravel well bought a few decks and washed well. Filled the tank to the recommended level. I've let the heater adjust before turning it on along with out filter and light. Everything has been working great. I've added a de-chlorinator and a bacteria solution to the water. I have added the bacteria for the first three days as recommended on the bottle. On the third day the water has gone slightly cloudy. After reading this forum and TTF, it looks like its a bacterial bloom which I guess is good for a new tank with no fish. Is this correct?
Also do I need to keep adding the bacterial solution EVERY day?