Complete Newbie


Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2013
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Hi to all members.
I decided to buy our kids a fish tank. We have bought a 95l tank with a starter kit.
I've rinsed the gravel well bought a few decks and washed well. Filled the tank to the recommended level. I've let the heater adjust before turning it on along with out filter and light. Everything has been working great. I've added a de-chlorinator and a bacteria solution to the water. I have added the bacteria for the first three days as recommended on the bottle. On the third day the water has gone slightly cloudy. After reading this forum and TTF, it looks like its a bacterial bloom which I guess is good for a new tank with no fish. Is this correct?
Also do I need to keep adding the bacterial solution EVERY day?
Yeeeas. That is a bacterial bloom. Nothing to worry about.
Urm. The bacterial solution usually has a course. Like Day 1, 3 and 7 or something. 
Thanks for the rapid response. I am following the dosage on the bottle. It has nothing after day 3, so I guess I won't add anymore till I get my water tested.
I am surprised your tank became cloudy as that does mean there is a bacteria bloom, and those things don't often work. Getting your water tested won't help, because there is nothing to increase your levels so of course your levels will be good. What you need to do is get a bottle of ammonia that doesn't bubble when you shake it and add 4ppm and see if it can get it down to 0 in 12 hours. If it can then your good to get fish and if it can't than you need to continue to add 4ppm every 12 hours until it reaches 0.
Sorry for all the questions, but I have a slim marina20 filter that came with our tank. I noticed it has 4 slots for cartridges but only came with 2, should I buy another 2 cartridges or just leave it with 2??
Arcticfox1977 said:
Sorry for all the questions, but I have a slim marina20 filter that came with our tank. I noticed it has 4 slots for cartridges but only came with 2, should I buy another 2 cartridges or just leave it with 2??
Those Marina filter instructions recommend replacing 1-2 cartridges every 3-5 weeks and apart from being expensive - it would be removing some of the beneficial bacteria that convert the toxins poisonous to fish into less harmful nitrates. You can replace the cartridges with filter foam available online from places like Ebay or Amazon. You'd have to start the fishless cycling again tho.
You've done the best thing for your future fish by going for fishless cycling. You also need to give those bacteria something to live on i.e. ammonia or they will perish - make sure it's one that's suitable for aquarium use such as Kleenoff and that it hasn't any additives - it needs to be about 9.5% ammonia. There's the TFF calculator link at the top of each page which is very useful for working out how much you need to add to achieve the required dilution. Follow Lunar Jetman's esource link and select the Fishless cycling link.
Good luck and let us know how you get on and which fish you plan to have eventually.
I have searched the net for foam cartridges for my filter but it doesn't seem that they make any other media apart from the carbon ones. Could someone recommend foam media to me that would fit my filter.
Arcticfox1977 said:
I have searched the net for foam cartridges for my filter but it doesn't seem that they make any other media apart from the carbon ones. Could someone recommend foam media to me that would fit my filter.
You can buy foam by the sheet and cut it to size. Marina won't make them to fit as they want you to buy their expensive cartridges. You can get coarse, medium and fine foams, floss if you want crystal clear water and also carbon foam if you need it for getting rid of meds after a course of treatment. Once your tank is cycled with the 2 cartridges you already have, you can add whichever foam you pick to the empty slots to seed with the cartridges still in place. Some of the beneficial bacteria will slowly migrate to the foam. When the existing cartridges eventually deteriorate you can replace them one at a time (preferably not both together as you'd be losing a good proportion of your friendly bacteria in one go and could end up with ammonia and nitrite spikes harming your fish) with the foam of your choice depending on what you want to achieve. Coarse foam is good for trapping solid waste and the finer ones for removing smaller particles. As mentioned floss is good at "polishing" the water as it is very dense and excellent at removing the tiniest particles.
I'll try and find the link I had for filter foam sheets on Ebay and let you know.
Just adding a note, filter foam lasts for ages and shouldn't be replaced unless it is physically falling apart. The solid waste should be rinsed off in the old tank water you are replacing before you throw it away or use it for your plants. Never rinse in untreated tap water as the chlorine will kill off your BBs. Sorry if you know all this, but I'd rather someone reminded me than have them assume I know it.
Not saying you should get this one, just as an example. In the search box I put filter foam and got a long list of sellers.
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to the forum, I agree with Mamashack, I purchase all of my filter pads this way now and cut them to size, it is a lot cheaper than the pre-cut versions for your brand of filter e.g. one of mine is a Fluval 2, and their pre-cuts are generally expensive.  You can even get them with chemicals impregnated in them if need be, for example, phosphate removal.  I do not really know how effective these are, although I do know in my case they seemed to remove the green water.  
I checked the filter you have and on the Hagen site it says "The Slim S20 Power Filter is for aquariums up to 76 litres" - you stated that your aquarium is 95L so the filter is not large enough for the aquarium.  You may wish to take this up with the supplier, and also the two missing filter media?  I use Bio-Max ceramics or similar (cheaper versions) I buy in bulk as I have many aquariums now.  It does say yours has something called "Ceramitek" which is also where the beneficial bacteria will also grow.
It is better to over filter than under filter as once you get the fish in there a good filter will remove a lot of muck.  Most experienced fish keepers have filters that are the next size up for the size of the aquarium.  This way you know the filter has more than the capacity to handle the load and also there is more surface area for the beneficial bacteria to grow.  I like filters that have the ability for me to eventually use any media and then I can custom it according to my needs.
You do not need carbon unless removing medication or similar from the aquarium.  Are you planning live plants?  Personally I much prefer these to anything else.
Regarding the bottled bacteria, I know some people do not regard it as beneficial but I used it when setting up and I found I was going through tons of this on my large aquarium.  I now use Aqua Pure Pond Balls (not the bomb version!)  They do an Aquarium version in which the balls are clear, but I use the Pond version with black balls as you get more for your money.  You can just pop a couple of these, or small handful into your filter for each water change, and they slowly dissolve.
A quick way to "seed" your filter would be if you know anyone with a mature aquarium (with no problems of course) who could give you some of their media to add to your filter.
Enjoy the journey
RCA said:
Regarding the bottled bacteria, I know some people do not regard it as beneficial but I used it when setting up and I found I was going through tons of this on my large aquarium.  I now use Aqua Pure Pond Balls (not the bomb version!)  They do an Aquarium version in which the balls are clear, but I use the Pond version with black balls as you get more for your money.  You can just pop a couple of these, or small handful into your filter for each water change, and they slowly dissolve.
If anyone else has any problems with this link, just click it then go to your address bar and delete the . at the end of the line and try again!

I'm not sure about using a Pond specific product though. It might be OK but I'd be reluctant to use them without a bit of research.
The Evolution Aqua rep told me there was little point adding the pond ones to a tank, they are designed to work at a far lower temperature and wont be effective in indoor tanks. Did give me a long winded explanation 2 years ago when I used the pond ones but I cant remember it all now, will ask when I next see him.
The pond ones will seem better value because they are designed for people who tend to need to use a LOT more of them than people with small tanks..
Guppies are arrogant, flappy, hyperactive little things. Very much like unmedicated kids with ADHD after being fed on a lot of fizzy drinks, sugars and E numbers and then given a whole load of brightly coloured long floaty ribbons.

Who wouldnt want to snatch the ribbons off the children after they had come rushing past for the tenth time floating them in your face!?
Priceless! Love it!!! lol
LOL. Im bored of it now, ought to have something a bit more sensible as my signature now lol
MBOU said:
LOL. Im bored of it now, ought to have something a bit more sensible as my signature now lol
LeFondre's quote last night in chat was quite funny!

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